MovieChat Forums > Lat sau san taam (1992) Discussion > Another Hard-Boiled 2-disc DVD set comes...

Another Hard-Boiled 2-disc DVD set comes out on 6/24

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Finally, a reminder: The Weinstein Company and Genius Products will release of a pair of John Woo films on DVD, Hard Boiled and Last Hurrah for Chivalry, on 6/24. The 2-disc Hard Boiled: Ultimate Edition (SRP $24.95) will include Dolby Digital 5.1 (Catonese and English) and Mono (English) as well as DTS 5.1 (Catonese), English and Spanish subtitles, audio commentary by Hong Kong cinema expert Bey Logan, 4 featurettes (A Baptism of Fire, John Woo: Partner in Crime, Terence Chang: Art Imitates Life and Mad Dog Bites Again), a location guide, the Hong Kong theatrical trailer and U.S. promotional trailer. Last Hurrah for Chivalry will include Dolby Digital 5.1 (English dubbed and Cantonese) and Mono (Cantonese) audio, English and Spanish subtitles, audio commentary with Bey Logan, 3 featurettes (Pray for Death: An Interview with Fung Hak-On, Deliver Us from Evil: An Interview With Lee Hoi-San and Legendary Weapons of China), the original theatrical trailer and U.S. promotional trailer.

So, which set to get, this or Dragon Dynasty's? Both? Are Dragon Dynasty's special features completely different? Will one have superior picture and sound?


I'm getting Hard-boiled. I don't really care about Woo's older films.

"El pollo loco to you too."


<<I'm getting Hard-boiled. I don't really care about Woo's older films.>>

Wow, total blasphemy dude. So you love Hard Boiled, but refuse to watch/don't like: A Better Tomorrow I & II, Bullet in the Head, and even The Killer?? If you were here I'd slap you hard over the head with my dvd copies of each of those films.


Sorry Mr. Cool, I already own ALL those films you mentioned. By older, I meant crap-fests like Hand of Death and Last Hurrah For Chivalry. I should slap you with my DVD copies of those great films but I won't. Because you're so cool!

"El pollo loco to you too."


..And I was:
a) simply going by your words of "only wanting Hard Boiled, and not caring about Woo's early films"--naturally assuming you meant those that came before Hard Boiled.

b) obviously kidding about about giving you a dvd smackdown. If you could have read through the lines a little, here was my 'unspoken message': "Dude, I don't understand why you would hate these other Woo movies, and I think you should give them another try". You were right about Mr. Cool, though. It's a tough job, know. "Hyuk hyuk"!


Btw, does Last Hurrah For Chivalry really suck? Never seen it. Even worth watching?


You're so cool! How do you do that?

"El pollo loco to you too."


How do I do it? Well, you gotta get the right 'balance' of cool, ya know? For example, when I first joined IMDB, I was going to make my user name this really corny take on 'Steven Spielberg', but en Espanol! ...But I thought that might be a little too cool. So I had to 'tone it down a notch'.


That's cool! I mean that's rad!!! Al joking aside, which versions of these JW films do you own?
I have ABT 1 & 2 from Anchor Bay, The Killer and Bullet in the Head from Fortune Star, Once A Thief from Sony, but no Hard-boiled or Heroes Shed No Tears. Not on dvd atleast. I don't really give a f uck about his old school movies.

"El pollo loco to you too."


I have the same ABT and Bullet in the Head releases as you. I've got The Killer and Hard Boiled on Criterion, and also the Mei Ah release of Hard Boiled, which is 16x9, but the picture still isn't that great. I really hope Dragon Dynasty's is a huge improvement. I didn't really care for Once a Thief too much, and I actually haven't seen much of Woo's non-action work prior to ABT. You said Last Hurrah is not that great--is it even worth seeing? I also love RIngo Lam's Full Contact, btw--one of CYF's best roles, I think. City on Fire isn't too shabby, either.


City on Fire isn't too shabby, either.

City On Fire is a great movie. More so than Full Contact if I say so myself.

"El pollo loco to you too."



isn't that the Dragon Dynasty your talking about?...since The Weinstein Company is associated/part of Dragon Dynasty


Is it? I didn't know that. I thought they were different since it was said that this is coming out on June 24, and I thought Dragon Dynasty's was in late July. And since I figured Digital Bits would mention the "Dragon Dynasty" label by name, I thought they were separate releases. Sounds like we're getting it a month sooner than expected, which is cool.


Dragon Dynasty is Weinstein's specialty label, kind of like Dimension used to be Miramax's, except they won't chop the film to bits.

I am definitely getting this one when it shows up. I just wonder what our options will be for high-def viewing if we either don't have Blu-Ray and/or don't want to pay eighty bucks for Stranglehold.

"I've been kidnapped by K-Mart!"
--Barbara Stone (Bette Midler), "Ruthless People"


Looks like we do have to wait for July 24, and DigitalBits just made a printing error.


Ugh, how come they call THAT ultimate?!? Fox/Lorber and Criterion had commentaries by John Woo himself, but this... BEY LOGAN!!! You gotta be kidding! Sheesh... that's some 25 Bucks i can save for better things.


Hey I think Bey's a cool guy. Sure I'd much rather hear a Woo or atleast a Terrence Chang commentary but Bey has proven himself very knowledgable when it comes to Asian cinema. Plus I want a decent anamorphic copy of Hard-Boiled with decent extra features so I can finally dump my old VHS and crappy Mei Ah DVD.

"Girl, I like penis."
- Lance Bass, Your Secret Admirer


I don't know... I've listened to his Bullet in the Head commentary and it's pretty much bull. It's basically 2 hours of: "This is this actor, born then, acted in this and that with whoever comes to mind who in turn directed some other film..." Nothing you wouldn't know if you did some internet research. Then, there's a lot of "this scene would have worked better, if" and "this character would have been more interestind, if" thrown in. I don't really care THAT much about his opinion. What WAS good about it, that it gives you some insight into the historical context of the film (a little superficial, but then again, I'm not really expecting a highly sophisticated political debate). Almost NOTHING was said about the desastrous experience this film was for Woo (and there would have been LOTS of things to talk about). OK, he does give you a lot of information, but few of that is really concerned with insights to the making of the actual movie.




is the double disc Hard Boiled set for an UK release???


No. Dragon Dynasty only has the rights to Hard Boiled in the US. Tartan releases it in the UK.

"El pollo loco to you too."


I'm going to pre-order it off Amazon soon. Infernal Affairs trilogy was the first foreign film I've ever seen, and I loved it. Dragon Dynasty is great. I'm def. going to be ordering lots more of their movies.

Anybody know if this'll be in retailers? IMDB has it on their coming soon list.


Yes, it will. The Dragon Dynasty line was started up by the Weinsteins--so very mainstream and available at all the majors like best buy, fye, etc.


I usually get them from Best Buy or Walmart. Walmart usually has them for under $15. The 2-disc sets are usually $20 or under.

"Girl, I like penis."
- Lance Bass


Does anyone know if this release has a new transfer? I have the Mei-Ah release, and I was very disappointed with the picture-quality.


I cant wait.


Anyone know if it wont cut out some of the violence? i wan a good version of this to come out so i wont have to look into other versions since i see that theres so many different Hard Boiled DVD's


To answer 2 questions-- Mongris, yes it does appear to have a great new transfer. On the dragon dynasty site they have a tralier up for the new HB release, and even though it plays in a small window you can tell the picture blows away the Mei Ah, etc. The contrast and richness of color looks great. DD obviously found a much better print to work with for this new release.

And Will, it's the full uncut version. All the glorious blood squibs are there.


I pre-ordered both Hard Boiled and Last Hurrah For Chivalry on Amazon.
I really cannot wait for The Killer and Bullet In The Head to come out!!

by a John Woo fan.
Holy mother *beep* ! - Carl "CJ" Johnson (GTA San Andreas)



Just got mine this morning. The picture is stretched a little bit. My TV's overscan only makes it worse.

"El pollo loco to you too."
