Horrible Commentary!

I could only stand to listen to about half of the commentary with Bey Logan, because pretty much all he did was try to prove what an "expert" on Hong Kong cinema he is, by naming every actor that came onscreen, followed by their date of birth, and then running through their resumés and little anecdotes about them.
He never talked about what was going on in the actual film!


Logan's commentary was great. I appreciate the nuggets of extra information and "anecdotes" about the bit players. The last thing I need from a commentary is "what is going on in the film." I mean, what do you want? "Now this guy is about to shoot that guy." "Now, the cop is about to raid the secret hideout." ???

Unless you've never seen the film, why on earth would you need someone to tell you what is going on in the film? Unless your comprehension level is that of a brick.
