Dumbest movie...ever?

Okay, the basic plot is that a regular grunt cop teams up with an undercover cop to bust a smuggling ring. And a lot of you will argue that "it's only fantasy", "it's just an action flick - quit being so technical", etcetera. In other words, check your brain at the door if you plan on watching this piece of crap. To be honest, I have seen worse films like "Kama Sutra 2- Monsoon" or some Steven Segal films, but this one is pretty bad.
The insanity starts in a tea-house/aviary. Personally, I wouldn't want to eat in a place that has a birdcage over every table - the feathers, the bird feed, the bird crap would be EVERYWHERE. Extremely unsanitary and UNREALISTIC.
And why would anyone try to DISCREETLY smuggle 2 handguns in the bottom of a birdcage in a room where half the clientele is ARMED TO THE TEETH? I mean, if you're packing a machine gun under your shirt, just hand your buyer 2 handguns straight over the table. The whole premise is ludicrous, but that's what happens when John Woo does a whole re-write a week before filming.
Then we get to the gunplay, which the bulk of this movie is, and it goes on and on and on and on....ad nauseum. Too much gunplay, completely unrealistic, completely ludicrous, completely gratuitous, and quite frankly, BORING. Anyone who could appreciate this as entertainment is at best a low grade moron redneck, but is more likely to be a retarded psychopath.
And the babies? Oh my God, the babies...John Woo should have poisoned their baby formula and saved us about 30 minutes of retarded crap.
Anyone who appreciates this film IS AN IDIOT, and that includes the Hong Kong film awards people.
Finally, the Terminator in Tech Noir Disco was nowhere near achieving the body count that this lame film does - including this viewer's, as I must have been technically brain dead for approximately 2 hours while viewing this crap.


OK... Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to insult those who do, you stupid git!



Well, you're right of course, and I don't take insulting people lightly. But, after thinking it over, this movie really has no redeeming qualities and I still think anyone who could watch it and enjoy 2 hours of mindless gunfire must be stupid. Sorry.


An hour and a half of nonsense shootouts goes to Shoot em up. Hard Boiled is an action movie classic. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it. I guess its just your opinion of a great movie. Ever see The Killer? That's a good one too.



The only idiot here is you. Only a narrow-minded ass clown would insult people who enjoy an action movie that has 'no redeeming qualities', according to you. I'm a very smart person, and so are many other people on this board, albeit it has its fair share of idiots, too. But I like to think I'm smarter than the average eighteen-year-old acts nowadays, though that just might be my own arrogance getting the better of me. I do a lot of writing, keep spelling and grammar errors down to a minimum, and I've been reading 500-page novels since third grade.
But I like this movie. So that must mean that everything else I do is a fluke and I'm a total idiot simply because I find this movie mindlessly enjoyable.
Get your goddamn head out of your ass, pal.

Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the center of everywhere.


"The insanity starts in a tea-house/aviary. Personally, I wouldn't want to eat in a place that has a birdcage over every table - the feathers, the bird feed, the bird crap would be EVERYWHERE. Extremely unsanitary and UNREALISTIC. "

And very nitpicky on your part.

"And why would anyone try to DISCREETLY smuggle 2 handguns in the bottom of a birdcage in a room where half the clientele is ARMED TO THE TEETH? I mean, if you're packing a machine gun under your shirt, just hand your buyer 2 handguns straight over the table. The whole premise is ludicrous, but that's what happens when John Woo does a whole re-write a week before filming. "

They prob wanted to avoid a chaotic gunfight. Having your customers, guards, or dealers get shot by police in the middle of a deal is most certainly bad for business. Another pisspoor, nitpicky criticism on your part.

"Too much gunplay, completely unrealistic, completely ludicrous, completely gratuitous, and quite frankly, BORING. Anyone who could appreciate this as entertainment is at best a low grade moron redneck, but is more likely to be a retarded psychopath. "

And with this, I'm done reading your horrible review. Don't post again, thanks.



"John Woo should have poisoned their baby formula and saved us about 30 minutes of retarded crap."

Now, who's the retarded psychopath?


You should be banned from imdb.


>>The insanity starts in a tea-house/aviary. Personally, I wouldn't want to eat in a place that has a birdcage over every table - the feathers, the bird feed, the bird crap would be EVERYWHERE. Extremely unsanitary and UNREALISTIC.<<

Except that it's a real location, nitwit.

>>as I must have been technically brain dead for approximately 2 hours while viewing this crap. <<

Then what's your excuse for before and since?


Op, you're a good troll, oh and to everyone in this thread, you like john woo movies but you hated shoot em up? LOLWUT. I'm sure if shoot em up was foriegn underground INDIE flick, you'd think "OMG THIS MOVIE IS BADASS, I'M GLAD I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT IT :)" but since it's Hollywood (And enjoying Hollywood flicks isn't considered "Legit" amongst most film buffs) you guys feel you gotta nag on it, it's funny really....


I like this movie but not Shoot Em Up. You're just making general assumptions in your comments here based on what you see as two similar type of movies. Personally, other than the number of bullets and body counts, I see this two movies as totally different in contents and style...it has nothing to do with where the movie comes from...it's funny how people stereotype so easily without much thought...


This and Shoot 'Em Up are two of my favourites. Not ALL Woo fans hate Shoot 'Em Up at least. :)

Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the center of everywhere.


2 hrs of my life wasted, my god! why do ppl call this a classic? because its john woo? because other ppl say its a classic? who cares

this movie was just plain boring and bad, nothing interesting going on in the plot, random things happening, and a lot of gunfire just to make it seem like there is something happening, people fall for it so easily, ha ha!


That is just your opinion. And it seems like nobody cares about your opinion. Fans of Woo aren't going to change their minds over his films because of your stupid nitpicking. It's fine if you don't enjoy his work. Action films aren't for everyone, but don't come here to bitch about the film. Nobody really cares if you went "brain-dead".


That's just your opinion and nobody really cares about your opinion. And your reply just proves what kind of people watch these kind of movies. You bring shame to the oh mighty Fans of Woo.


So my reply proves what kind of fans like these movies? How? By stating nobody cares about your complaints?


I finally saw the whole movie for the first time today. I've tried to watch it three or four times before but I never could get very far into it. I'm sorry but I do not enjoy this movie and I find it boring. It seems nothing more than a string of mindless gun fights.

Even though I would consider this a poor movie I would never consider it the dumbest movie ever. There are many movies that are far, far worse than this.


Like what?


Anything by Uwe Boll or Michael Bay, for starters, lol. (Although Michael Bay's movies are entertaining, at least)

Welcome to the middle of nowhere--the center of everywhere.


I agree.


OP is a retard.
