Question About One Scene

This is an awesome action film, one of the best ever, but there is this one scene that didn't make much sense:

After Tony and Tequilla meet for the first time and have their guns to each other's heads, Tequilla runs out of ammo and Tony walks away. Tequilla then looks at his gun, opens the cylinder, and then, somehow, the bullets are back. What? I guess I missed something, and I saw the version on Youtube so maybe some moron spliced that scene in, but still. If somebody could explain this to me, I would love the film even more and it is much appreciated!!!


Saw this movie last night and kind of thought that as well, however due it being a revolver they could just have been the empty casings that need to manually removed after they've been used. Although they look like they are bullets they sound very hollow when he knocks them on the floor.

Zach Braff - "I'm not anti-gun. But what does one hunt with an Assault Weapon? Dragons?"


Yeah, empty casings, with a revolver you need to manually remove them, by hand or the cylinder ejection which he hits in disgust at the end.


He uses a revolver where you have to take out all the used bullets från the gun afterwards. youre not seeibg a fully loaded gun, but the remains of the used bullets. now you can keep on loving this movie


The last 40 minutes were so boring


What does that have to do with the question? -___-

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere-  -the center of everywhere."


Two year old question but i'll answer just the same.

The only reason Tequila shows us that there were bullets in his gun is to show how he wasn't planning to shoot Alan (Tony). Throughout the entire scene they're trying NOT to kill each other. At one point, Tequila sees Tony hurt from his shotgun blast and he SHOWS CONCERN.

The whole scene was Tequila venting, taking an exaggerated chance trying to get Johnny Wong the Villain. Once he loses Johnny, he shoots up his remaining thugs, and shows Tony that he's still on top of things.

Silly movie, great action, good fun. Love it.


The only reason Tequila shows us that there were bullets in his gun is to show how he wasn't planning to shoot Alan (Tony).


Tequila pulled the trigger. Go and watch the scene again.

His Revolver was empty.

As the previous posters have said, they were empty shell casings.

You need to open the chamber, and manually expel the used shell casings. then reload.


Empty shell casings indeed. The somewhat surprised look on his face when he looks at them is interesting, though.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!
