MovieChat Forums > Knight Moves (1993) Discussion > Highlander III: Knight Moves

Highlander III: Knight Moves

Here is what I think Knight Moves could had been if it was a Highlander film.

Years have passed since Connor McLeod defeated The Kurgan and won The Prize. Connor McLeod thought the game was finally over, he is wrong. An evil immortal and serial killer known only as Knight has been on an killing spree, hunting not only immortals, but also mortal men and women. When McLeod's wife Brenda is murdered by Knight and learning he did not win The Prize. McLeod is forced to return to New York City to face Knight. With Knight on the loose and with immortals as well as mortals being slain, the headhunter case is reopened and McLeod is again arrested and made a prime suspect in the Knight case. Believing McLeod is innocent and has had nothing to with the killing sprees, physcologist Cathy Shepard convinces Lieutenant Frank Moran and the hostile Lt. John Stenn that McLeod is not the killer and allows McLeod to assist the NYPD in bringing down Knight. Trying to conceal his true nature from Cathy and the NYPD, as he agrees to help with Knight. McLeod prepares to face his deadly new opponent and will Cathy uncover the truth about McLeod? and will will it be checkmate for McLeod or Knight or will Knight make the last move and win The Prize?


That sounds like a really cool concept and original for a Highlander sequel in my opinion, it certainly would have been better than Highlander III: The Sorcerer. Also, the Knight could just be a serial headhunter aware of the game and is hunting people for sport, believing he is immortal, obsessed with the secret myth of immortality, thought to be nothing more than a legend, known only by a select few. Macleod with the prize has to use his powers to track the Knight and aide the police to prove his innocence who believe his supposed "gift" is nothing more than a game to fool with them and shift the focus off himself. Man, this could make a really good comic book sequel which retcons the previous sequels (again, lol), a movie sequel would be cool but with the remake happening, I doubt they would make a sequel even for DVD. Who knows, the concept could be reworked to be a completely original story if it came to the crunch for you. There's certainly great potential in it :)


Wow! Thanks. No offence, but I like Highlander III: The Sorcerer.


You're welcome. Cool, I don't mind "Highlander III: The Sorcerer", it might not be up to the first but it's a decent sequel with a unique style, it does its job of making it up to the fans after "Highlander II: The Quickening" :)


Your idea on Highlander III: Knight Moves sounds way better than mine.


My idea is just a revision of yours, it couldn't exist without your ace idea, the credit goes to you :)


Thank you. :)


You're welcome :) Keep up the ace work and never give up, would love to see your ideas on the screen or even a book :)


Now I need to rewatch Highlander.

You guys need to write a fictional Highlander 3 and put it up on archiveofourown.
