Michelle and Jackie

This was one of the first Jackie Chan movies I ever saw. Good times.


This was the reason I am a huge Michelle Yeoh fan. I actually missed it in theaters by one day, but then found Heroic Trio and it took off! It took a year or more before I did finally get to see Supercop, and I was thrilled. It really is a fun movie.


What makes this Jackie Chan movie stand out from his rest (at least for me), is his co-star. He and Michelle Yeoh have such great chemistry on screen. Their characters get on each other's nerves, and this conflict makes for great comedy. :) Also to note, Michelle Yeoh is Jackie's first and only leading lady to do her own stunts. yay.


He and Michelle Yeoh have such great chemistry on screen.
I definitely agree with that.



i adore michelle..



The sexual tension was great too. I'd watch a whole movie based on their relationship.

Victims, aren't we all?


The were great together...

and Michelle Yeoh's stunts were great.

especially the motorcycle riding and jump.


They are a great team in this.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Great team! Good on screen chemistry!
Any movie with this two on it, is a "must see" to me!

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
