Alternate Ending.

I heard that this movie has a alternate ending. Does anyone know how the origional ending went?


well i have the dvd and they dont show any features atleast dont bother looking through the dvd's

"Love is the warmest place to be when it's cold outside."-The Father, from the movie Octane/Pulse


Sadly the film company changed Bruce Robinson's originally ending. The originally ending is supposed to be fantastic...


I loved the original ending. When Kathy Baker turned around and shot the guy, I flipped. I thought it was awesome.


Several months before the film was released, John Malkovich was on the Letterman show. Letterman asked about his upcoming films. When Malkovich mentioned Jennifer 8, he said, "I play a serial killer...oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that." He and Letterman then laughed about how he had given away the ending.

When I saw the movie after it was released, not only was Malkovich not the killer, I seem to recall that the timeline of the story made it impossible for him to be the killer. I figured that Malkovich was probably just joking around. I wonder if the original cut of the film had him as the killer.


I understand that he did have a bigger part in the film, but was cut due to time and pacing or whatever B.S. the film company put Mr. Robinson his book, that will tell you all about it.

Ever stood in a line up? Suede sports coat...courtesy van.


What book is that?



Stanley-6: Interesting, thanks for the information.


wait; that's it? that's how it ended? it's over? that was like watching a two hour car chase on tv and they just run out of gas.
