C'mon HBO Latin

They show this film quite often on the HBO Latin channel which I get as part of the HBO movie package with Comcast. The only problem is that they do not include subtitles for this or any other film shown on the channel. This bothers me to no end since I'd love to get acquainted with Spanish speaking films and rarely get a chance. Plus, all of us gringos are paying for a channel that is never translated. I assume the film has been translated for the VHS version and the other region codes, so HBO get off your ass!

The way I see it, is that we weren't retreating, we were just attacking in a new direction.




I saw that it was coming on at 2:30 am and taped it. Although, I missed the first ten to fifteen minutes, hopefully this will be replayed by HBO in the future.

Thank you HBO for doing something for the gringos!

The way I see it, is that we weren't retreating, we were just attacking in a new direction.
