MovieChat Forums > Jamón Jamón (1994) Discussion > This movie was great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

This movie was great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

I think it is a very great movie about sex, youth, and elders. It might be a real point that sex between a young and an older person, is always sweeter for both parts. The young enjoys the skillfulness, and the old enjoys the vivacity and youthfulness of their partners. The movie is also very terrific regarding the frankness in showing poor and addicted people and their family's disasters, like prostitution and so on.


I don't think the prostitution is necessarily shown as a bad thing. In fact, she's probably one of the more sympathetic characters in the film - she doesn't lie, doesn't cheat, just does her job to give the best she can to her children.

Ultimately it's the rich and 'respectable' woman in the film who ruins everything and proves to be a disastor for everyone - it's her actions that lead to all the heartbreak and ultimately her own son's death.

just a few thoughts anyway...


where can i get to see this movie trailer - uncensored please



Yeah, lucky b*stard, he was getting it on with the mom and daughter! Probably the best thing about the movie


This film was hilarious once I got into it.



I found it very entertaining that the boy's mom called Penelope's mom a whore when she was the biggest SLUT of them all. Man, the hypocrisy of it all. LOL

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


My thoughts exactly!

All these people had issues!
