Please Help!

Alright, I'm a RDA fan and I saw In the Eyes of a Stranger for sale and I would love to see it, but first, I need to know some things about it,
How much sexual content (Please tell everything, even if it is a kiss)
How much language (Every word even down to taking God's name in vain)
How much violence (Everything)
And an overview of the movie, if you can answer any of these questions please reply! Thanks a lot!


The sexual content's pretty tame, after a fashion - I mean, he doesn't slap her or anything, if that's what you mean.

Swearing is similarly low-key - only or two 'c' words, a little bit of effin' here and there, nothing to worry about, really.

Violence? Well it opens with a guy having his head opened balistically all over the female lead, other than that, the usual fisticuffs and villian having his head slowly forced into the 'action zone' of a running bandsaw by the victorious RDA...

... and no, I've not actually seen the film. Doesn't the OFLC put this kind of information on the box?
