Could they cram any more examples of ignorance and white trash living down our throats ? I only watch this movie when it's on for it's absolutely ridiculous entertainment value. For me , it's a comedy . Too bad the real story wasn't told because the subject matter isn't funny at all. SJP's fugly mug and a bunch of dirty, disgusting , ignorant kids and adults. Her brother and sister in law were sane and normal. Why does being cash poor mean being filthy and wearing dirty clothes , having a pig sty house etc. When I was on aid and I am a manic depressive with children, I did not live in any way shape or form the way that these people did. That's why I am voicing such a strong opinion. Been there but didn't do that .


It was the cause, not the effect. Some of the same cash poor people (not all or even most, necessarily) are in that bad state of financial standing because they are lazy, trashy, filthy, irresponsible people in the first place. At least that was certainly the case with this woman. I know she was mentally ill and that may have contributed to her problems, but I think she was just ultimately a white trash whore who didn't give a crap whether her kids had what they needed or not. BTW, good for you for having been there and not being like that. Some people think just because they go through some hard times that it's an excuse to be like some kid of filthy trashy person. It's always good for people to see the two don't have to and shouldn't go together.


In my opinion, this movie didnt realistically potray bi- polar disorder. She seemed more paranoid maybe schizophrenic.
I know some bi-polars hear voices like she did, but the whole bi- polar diagnosis didnt really agree with me for her.


You are an absolutly horrible person for saying these things and people like you make me sick. RUDE!

