Missing scene?

I haven't seen Howard's End since the late 90's. Encore is running it On Demand, so I watched it last night. I have the book, and I've read the book quite a few times. In the book, there is a part where the guests are going to the wedding at Oniton in three cars. They hit a cat, put the women in another car being driven by Charles, and Margaret jumps out, cutting her hand. One of the women wraps her hand up. I SWEAR I saw this in the movie, but when I was watching it yesterday, I didn't see it...but in the next few scenes, Margaret is shown with her hand bandaged, only to lose the bandage in the wedding scene itself. Was the car scene in the movie, or did I imagine it...or might it have been on the DVD, which, come to think of it, I've never seen. And is the bandage ever explained? I must admit I missed 1-2 minutes of the movie yesterday, when Margaret and Mr. Wilcox were walking down the steps at Oniton and they were showing pictures on screen, so perhaps there was an explanation for the bandage there? Or perhaps the scene was filmed and not included in the finished movie, and the bandage is a continuity error? Any information or thoughts on this would be appreciated!



Someone answered that question back at this post:


"I wanna be just like you. I figure all I need is a lobotomy and some tights." -John Bender
