One of the worst...

...films I've ever seen. I've got the first three house films on video, and although the third one is completely different to the others (and not particularly good) they're all far better than this turkey. The first two films were funny and generally enjoyable, if not scary. This one has lost the fun side without gaining a scary side - the scene with the pizza with a face was prehaps the most laughable moment of all.


Yeah, the film is crap. House 3 is the best.


House 3 shouldn't even be counted as an actual House film.


WTF? There's a House 3? For year's I've been convinced that they just skipped that one! what's the official title? Is it House 3?

"I bet I have better vitals than you!" *pause* "What's a vital?"


this is "House 3" -

"...and that's the truth, Ruth" - Mister Senor Love Daddy (Do the Right Thing)


Is I'm sure you probably already figured out... "House 3" isn't really the third installment of the house series. House IV is really the third house movie.

The Horror Show : Trivia
This film is actually unrelated to the "House" film series. The producers renamed this film "House 3 (1989)" for the non-US market. Because of the existence of this title, the owners of the "House" series had to rename their third film "House IV"



So the one film of the house series that you like isn't even part of the house series at all? LOL

Personally I liked House 1 & 2

The horror show was unbearable and lead me to avoiding watching House IV (before knowing the facts about "House 3"?).

Perhapse if I had known the facts prior to seeing the horror show, I might like it, but seeing it for the first time left me with such a bad taste in my mouth, that it would be difficult to give it another chance. The really shot themselves in the foot when they called it House "3". Should have tried something else.


Come on!! It was cheap cheesy and very funny not meant to be scary, especially the pizza man!! How about that pus puking midget and the guy with the sex dolls, these films were meant only for the laughter, not for the scare. Even the third "Horror Show?" the F- bomb was dropped so many times in that one that is the only thing that made it even remotely memrorable.


Yes,this movie is crap...but the first House is a masterpiece of horror(and comedy)


I am doing computer work and watching this very very bad film.
You don't even have to watch it to know it really sucks. It's just plain dumb


WARNING:I hear voices and they dont like you!


You say plain dumd like its a bad thing. This film is good for a waych and thats about it and it earns its stars just for the pure sickness of the whole throat gunk drinking scene. Sometimes ya just gotta tune the brain out to enjoy a flick


I was a pretty small kid when I saw this and that pizza man part scared me so badly I still recall it about 16-17 years after seeing it.


I think what makes it unsuccessful is the recision to kill Roger Cobb. Katt took the role and made it his own in the first "House" film, and you were rooting for him the whole way. I just don't understand the reasoning of bringing the character back to kill him. After being behind the character in the first film, why in God's name would we be happy that he survives hell once to be killed off unspectacularly in a later film.

It's the same issue with the "Hitcher" sequel. Why bring back C. Thomas Howell, who also lived through hell, in order to off him so the female lead can be the hero?

I love to love my Lisa.


I remembe watching bits of this on Joe Bob Briggs/MonsterVision in the late 90's.


Absolutely agree with ya !

Roger cobb character is the likeable everyday man we rooted for in the original and the best house movie.

To bring him back for this house movie and kill him off ruined the movie completely.

The original house movie is a classic.. what followed was pretty much garbage.


I rather enjoy this bad film.

Also, thanks to the guy who gave away a spoiler for Hitchhiker 2

