
I have only seen this movie from the middle to the end. What did James Caan have to beat Nicholas Cage's hand?!


Straight flush, one card higher. It was a fixed deck.


to the queen vs. the jack!!! NEVER WILL HAPPEN IN ONES LIFETIME

cmon jack singer! you sd "u were in a regular card game at home".
The odds are 5 billion to one. Therefore, u should of accused Tommy of a fixed game and said FU!, instead his non-poker playing mathatician fiancee accuses him.


while the odds of that actually happening are completely bogus, we don't actually know that the game was played with a fixed deck. although, considering the citcumstance, we are led to believe that it very well may have been fixed, but still....we never find out for sure!




I love Sarah's clever retort to Nic Cage about his unfortunate card game. "Almost unabeatable is NOT unbeatable..." cracks me up everytime I hear it.


"'Like' unbeatable is NOT unbeatable!"
"Hey... I know that now, okay?!?"

Oh man. Even thinking about that scene makes me laugh out loud.

