Trivia Question

During Tommy's flashback scene in this film, what is the Title of the book Donna Korman is reading?


The Other Side of Midnight

You can just see the words, but that is the title of the book she is seen reading in the flashbacks.


Yep, by Sidney Sheldon...i've heard it's good. Didn't they make a movie about it?


yeah but the book is better


its an amazing book you should read it!



What was on Tommy's armpit when he and Betsy were hiking? It looks like a tag but he grabs it 2x and it's more than a tag. I've never known.

reply's the price tag. It was supposed to show how he put together this whole romantic trip together very quickly and needed hiking clothes..which he would not have..and then he drops into the ditch...too funny.

You pipple mek my ass twitch
