disrespected Hawaii

Nicholas Cage was COMPLETELY unlikeable in this movie. He behaved like a total jacka$$ to his girlfriend and was hostile and obnoxious to people whom he expected to help him search for his girlfriend.

I've lived in Hawaii my whole life and continue to be amazed at how backwards Hollywood thinks we are. This is Cage on the phone with information in Hawaii, "There's SECTIONS of Kauai?!!" Um, yeah. We have TOWNS and CITIES, you know.


Ummmm ..
...he was acting!!

Must have done a great job if you hated the character so much!!

So you want a realistic, down to earth show that is off the wall and swarming with magic robots?


I'd think the chief character would be alot more disrespectful since he represented Hawaii, but you are right that Cage was a complete jacka$$ and utterly unlikeable. I was rooting for him to fall into some fresh lava.

Me? I aim to misbehave.


Wassa matta wit u morons??

"We played Dungeons & Dragons for three hours. Then I was slain by an elf."

-Homer Simpson


Give me a break? That was his character. Neurotic, selfish, etc.

I laughed when he said "There are SECTIONS of Kauai?!" You know why, because it IS a ludicrous concept.

An example:

Kauai County is 622 square miles (the two islands) and had a population ~55,000 when the movie was made. Why would telephone information be unable to locate someone out of that population in that small of land area?

Hell, I can have them list off every John Smith in Dallas, Texas which has a a land area of 880 square miles and a population of 2 million.

So, Auntydle, sorry to offend your gentle Hawaiian senses but your little island may have sections, but Cage's reaction in the movie is completely understandable.


Christ on a cracker...get over yourself..Hawaii is always pissed because they are not part of the "states." ha ha ha ha...see what i did there...did not include hawaii as a state....and they friggin HATE THAT. but hello?? You're 3000 miles out into the pacific ocean...you wanna be included and have mainlanders know more about you...MOVE CLOSER.

BTW..going to Maui in two weeks...so excited...I hope they speak English and I can use my cell phone.. What's the currency?? do I need a passport?

You pipple mek my ass twitch



That's you! Take a bow. Would love to throw tomatoes at you.

terrible post!

Oh, and your post was TERRIBLE!



well, the joke is that mainlanders don't really know much about Hawaii apart from taking vacations there. And it seems kind of weird that what looks like such a small state and is broken up into different islands would have sections within those islands. his character's ignorance is very true to life of someone who lived in New York and had little curiosity about Hawaii works. And, in meager defense of that ignorance, Hawaii, as a STATE, has a culture that is completely unlike any other state, and more "unique" for lack of a better word, than any other. Polynesian and/or Samoan culture does not pop up, really, in the lower 49, and if you're new to the area it does come as a surprise to find there's not only a Kanapaa, but a Kanapaaa, and the two or may not be anywhere near each other. When I lived in Maui, I was astonished by little things like that all the time, and my surprise wasn't disrespect.

Another element of the humor is that his character is under a great deal of strain in what would otherwise be paradise, and all of the interesting details about Hawaiian culture are just obstacles in his way, and totally uninteresting or charming, due to his stressed out circumstance. He's a desperate man in a land of happy people and happy tourists. The juxtaposition of that is funny, and is not some sort of attack on Hawaii.
