MovieChat Forums > Honeymoon in Vegas (1992) Discussion > Sarah Jessica Parker - is she a beauty o...

Sarah Jessica Parker - is she a beauty or what

Being around 26 at the time this film was shot, Sarah Jessica Parker
was an absolutely stunning beauty. I loved her fit body, tanned skin,
curly dirty blonde hair, and her amazing sparkling eyes.

I dont think SJP was a huge name until right around this film.
It reminds me of Cameron Diaz when she also was stunning in "The Mask" where
she didn't hit it big until that film too.


Yes she was gorgeous in this film. She looks like a completely different person now - her nose and eyebrows definitely look different now.

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She was quite beautiful in this film, very feminine and "beachy" with her curly hair and tanned bod.



Nope, but good try. I'm a girl. Maybe guys have a different opinion on SJP (she wasn't listed as the most unsexy woman alive for no reason!) but I must say that I think she was really pretty in this film. Yes, she looks old and withered now, but when she was young she was gorgeous.



Yeah, she was pretty hot in this movie. Too bad I can't say the same about her now...


Nicolas Cage and SJP both have horse-like qualities, would this lead us to believe that they would have ended up in a STABLE marriage?


Ugly or not ugly that is the equestrian.






Idk about beauty but she was very hot ;) Damn what body...

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This is the film I fell for her -- fit, beautiful and sexy. By comparison, I could never really enjoy Sex in the City because she became less attractive rather quickly with age -- particularly for a movie star. Contrast her to Cameron Diaz who sems to have held her attractiveness much better.


SJP has always had a killer bod... maybe her years of cig smoking make her look kind of hag now..but does have a sexy quality to her..I think.

BTW...STABLE marriage...that is the EQUESTRIAN....LOL.

I do not know why this woman evokes such vitriol sometime..she has always been sweet and lovely on talk shows. I cannot help but like her..she is adorable.

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Well it's unfair to judge her now at her current age. Everyone will get old and physically not be what they used to be. But she was stunning, especially in the white bikini and white dress. Her eyes have always been gorgeous too.

I thought cage was also pretty good looking to at that age, no homo.
