Does this ever come on TV?

I've seen the original on TV tons of times over the years, a great family movie. I saw Blew Up in the theater, but I don't think I've seen it since. Tonight HUB showed We Shrunk Ourselves, so I would really like to see Blew Up again.

If someone sees that it's coming on, please respond so I can check it out!


It comes on from time to time on Disney cinemagic HD. I wanna say the last time I caught this on HD was last summer. If you get the chance maybe you should DVR it which is what I did, the movie looks pretty good in HD for a movie that came out in 1992, however the effects appear dated now.


Assuming Disney Cinemagic HD is a seperate Disney station, I probably don't get that channel. It's still weird to me that they'll show the original and another film in the series, but not Blew Up.


Unfortunately my great local cable company closed, so I ended up with Dish.
One good thing is that this came on Showtime Beyond channel.

I had a lot of laughs.

One odd detail - on the side of the ice cream truck I see a "Big League" ice cream bar poster from the company I assume makes Big League Chew. Not sure I ever saw those.


It's on right now in Australia. I completely love this movie. Brings back so many memories!


They played both the first and second movie today on ABCFamily



It's on ABC Family right now.

Honey I shrunk the kids was on before it.
