Emotional line!

When Adam is reunited with his mum, they are both BIG! My favorite line when they are together again is by Adam:

Adam: You crying?

Diane: Yeah, it's ok to cry when you're so happy!

I love that part, makes me cry a lot!!

Ruthie Henshall and Catherine Zeta-Jones rock my wurld!!!!!


Agreed. Not too many emotional lines in comedies these days.


That's not emotional. If that's emotional to you I'd hate to have you watch Bambi, grow up.

What do you mean they blew up the Death Star? Who's THEY? What the hell is an Aluminum Falcon?


You're telling ME to grow up? When obviously you havent reaised yet that other people can have their own opinion!!! lol

Oooooohhhh Pink goes good with Green!!!!



Caught that did you? Your argument makes no sense. Try again.

He's the bear Zootham deserves but not the one it needs.
