How would Kevin get back home?

If his parents didn't find him in New York, how would he make it back to Chicago without his bording pass??

If he explained the situation to the airport employees when he first realized he got separated, would they let him board a flight back home Since he's just a kid?


You would think he could maybe call a relative and they'd contact his parents?


His uncle who lives in NYC wasn't there . Remember he went to visit?

So who else would be call????




What relative could he have called, as the only relative that we know if that isn't on the Florida trip is Uncle Rob and his wife, and all the relatives that we know of are on Peter's side of the family. We don't know about any relatives on Kate's side of the family, or if any of his grandparents are still alive.


I'm sure that if he explained thing to the people at the airport, either a) the airport people hold kevin until they contact his parents and figure it out or b) the airport people turn this over to the police and the police contact kevin's parents and then they figure it out. Either way, kevin's parents would ultimately get involved.


You know what that is a good idea and I don't even know if he would have had enough money to get back to Chicago. Well course so because he still has his father's bag but he would have had to use cash as the credit cards would have been reported as stolen. But he was clever enough to fool or get on board to the plane to New York in the first place, which he didn't even know that he had the wrong plane or gate in the first place. But without a boarding i don't know if they would let him on board the plane, in less he might have tried what got him on the board the plane in the first place, but saying his family was on the flight, when he didn't even hear the gate number was 817.
