Dumb-Dumb Terri

Terri is running for the door and gets talked into staying. She never seems to question why a face is in a statue talking to her. Instead, she just goes with the flow........and ends up getting Cinnobitted. Geez........


Her story is the same as a lot of people who summon the cenobites. They're empty, lost, looking for something to make themselves feel alive again, even something as extreme as this. She knew how dangerous it was giving into this nail-headed man in the statue, but the unknown probably just made it more exciting for her. And it isn't as if Pinhead sugarcoated anything, he said he offered BLACK miracles and DARK wonders.


Her story is the same as a lot of people who summon the cenobites. They're empty, lost, looking for something to make themselves feel alive again, even something as extreme as this. She knew how dangerous it was giving into this nail-headed man in the statue, but the unknown probably just made it more exciting for her.

Agreed. Well said. Pinhead (and the rest of the Cenobites) *knew* who they were talking to, were tempting.
I will say though that Pinhead made the deal to Terri sound a bit less 'dark' than it was, but I would expect evil to do that.
What evil being would say "Come on, join us. Its eternal damnation."

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


She just wanted to dream...


I felt bad for her. She always seemed so hopeless. I wish things worked out better for her.

For Grave Encounters... I'm Lance Preston.


Me too, man. I was gutted when she became a cenobite.


Why, maybe it is fun, in dark kind of way...


I felt very sorry for her. I was rooting for her to get her life straightened out and finally be happy but unfortunately it didn't happen. 
