Interesting film....

Man, is this board lonely.... I thought I'd put my two cents in.

I liked this movie for the plot twists and how it plays with your mind.

Kim Basinger, Eric Roberts (that's Julia Roberts brother, by the way), and Richard Gere did a pretty good job in this movie that doesn't get enough credit for it's brilliance.


"Do you know where you are? You're in the JUNGLE BABY!"


I quite agree with you. Always liked this film myself. Not only for it's interesting plot twists but I also think it's visually striking as well. The scenes near the end in the lighthouse are brilliant I think.

Keith David is also very effective as the detective.


Finally saw this film from beginning to end for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I found it to be surprisingly good. I thought Kim Basinger was a standout and I also agree about Keith David's work as the detective.


I LOVE THIS FILM. It was soooooo clever. So interesting.
Rather underrated.


Agree! It's a quality thriller! Kim Basinger is irresistible, Gere is convincing with his confused state, Eric Roberts is cool and Uma makes a pretty unforgettable character. If Hitchcock could work with these stars...


okay im confused about the ending, sorry but what happened at the end with diana? did she suffer from pathological intoxication as well or was she prentending and if so why? sorry i just didn't get it. good movie though.





I cannot take any liquid cold medicine without thinking of this movie...


Well she probably had the same illness as her sister, or she went crazy and only thought so.That's the main joke I guess, it made me laugh even though i didn't fully understand it at first.

And he knew Bill had just taken a shower, because his hair smelled like strawberries


I really cannot understand why everyone thinks this movie is so good. Right from the beginning I debated whether or not to turn it off because it is just so absurd. Gere meets a patient's sister twice and is completely fine with her coming into his home to discuss business, not to mention read through his personal work papers. I know it is just a movie, but come ON.

Once I saw the movie in its entirety I could put the story together, but during the whole thing I felt that the plot was difficult to follow. I love a movie with suspensful plot turns, but the way they were handled in this movie was just annoying.


I'll defend the movie by saying first that the movie was well done, and that the complexity of the plot, although making it at times difficult to follow, allows for the audience to enter into the state of naivite that our main character (Richard Gere) is in. Things do not seem to be as they first appeared, and suddenly things start to unravel and we cannot trust the information that has been given to us.

I agree it can be annoying to not know EVERYTHING in a movie, but in the movies as in life, you have to work with what's been given to you.

Definetely underrated.

"It's either clubbin or Fandango!"
