I dont get the end?

Was Diana dreamin at the end or was she really having dinner with the guy?

Trusting another soul with my fate,showed me how easily love could turn to pure hate.




No she wasn't dreaming, she was having indeed dinner or so it seems. It's a very tongue in cheek finale, in that it leaves the standard noir/neo noir innuendos of maybe Dianna being the ultimate manipulator of all even her sister (I am an only child), or of even being the originator of the idea for the pathological drunk thing, or even of having assumed her sister's role completely (she blossomed into the butterfly as she says), or on an even wider stretch that "only child", could even hide an irony in that Kim Basinger might still be alive somewhere...it's really just joking, tongue in cheek neo noir ending to leave you wandering both playing with the convetions of the genre and also undermining them.
