resemblance to Aladdin??

Bat is the same voice as Genie. Zac looks like aladdin but with blonde hair. Her dad looks like Jasmine's dad. and the old guy with the shaking knees looks like the guy in the begining of aladdin. anyone else notice this?

i probably spelled Aladdin wrong. sorry.


I watched Ferngully yesterday and thought all the same things!! I came on IMBD just to see if anyone else noticed.


Um, no, I don't think this movie is anything like Aladdin except that Crysta's dad does remind me of Jasmine's dad and that Robin Williams voiced characters in each.....



I think it's a written rule somewhere that all pretty female teenagers must have dads who are little old fat Santa Claus guys with Alzheimer's. =_=

Oh yeah, and make sure their wife died...preferably at childbirth so there is never any need to mention her during the entire movie.


Family cliches are stupid.......



LOL, yeah I noticed that in movies. They make the mother disappear and have the father with all of those traits. Gotta love how all movies hate dealing with family ties but are directed as a family movie. It's so contradicting.

Oh yeah and another one is make sure that the teenager has an obsession with something, like humans or want to cook (Princess and the Frog) or something like that.


Glad to see I'm not the only one that noticed the similarities between the films. I haven't checked but maybe some of the producers were the same?


Well, considering that this movie was released two years BEFORE Aladdin, I'd that Disney stole its look from this film, not vice-verse.

The only thing worse than a bad movie, is someone who states their Opinion as Fact.


Well, considering that this movie was released two years BEFORE Aladdin, I'd that Disney stole its look from this film, not vice-verse. This movie came out a few months before Aladdin.


I often wonder whether Aladdin got Robin Williams first and FernGully was just quicker to theaters?

The plot of FernGully does seem to have been an influence on Disney's Pocahontas to an uncomfortable degree




Actually it would be more like resemblance to every Disney princess movie. Disney princess movies are imitated so often that sometimes we don't even know when they are not made by Disney, like Fox Animation Studios' Anastasia.


Even as a kid in the '90s, I noticed the similarities between the two films. Chances are, it's all just a coincidence. Perhaps the fact that Robin Williams was a voice actor in both films and that maybe both movies had similar story-development structures, thus account for these resemblances.

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I couldn't get over that Crysta's dad and Jasmine's dad sounded like they were voiced by the same actor. But alas, they are not. :(
