
How real is this film?

I am sure if a historian watch ed it, they would find many inaccuracies, like at the beginning, Tom Cruise should be speaking irish(now wouldnt that be something!) to his relatives. There is now way they would have spoken english in that part of Ireland

& the way the lanlord treated the tenants was a bit unrealistic too, maybe if it was 10 years earlier, then you could understand it. But geez, this landlord what planet was he living on? Did he not know that there was a land war just a few years earlier? The portrayal of the landlord was totally untrue!


Do you mean by "speaking Irish" Gaelic? Or you taking the piss out of his accent? lol. If you mean gaelic, I think that's a bit too much effort, it would be wasted. I once got marked down in college for having a character chanting in Latin, because the examiner didn't understand it. Even with subtitles I think it would be a bit too much for the average movie fan.

As for the landlord, I dunno, I know nothing about Irish history.

Kung fu movies are like porn. There's 1 on 1, then 2 on 1, then a group scene...


I presume he meant "speaking Irish" as in the native language of Ireland.



Hate to break it to you, but movies that deal with a bit of history aren't ever going to be completely historic or accurate to the time period. Maybe in the case of Passion Of The Christ it was, but for the most part I myself am not bothered if Cruise and Kidman (and all the other Irish characters while the film was still set in Ireland in the beginning) weren't speaking in Gaelic or the natural Irish tongue/language. And as far as the Land Owner goes, that wasn't him enforcing those punishments for not paying rent on time. That was Stephen conducting all that on "behalf" of Daniel Christie. Christie actually had no knowledge until the morning of that pistol duel when he was speaking with Cruise and felt very sorrowful and sincere in his apology to Cruise about what happened to his family's land. So that being said I have to say that Christie the land lord was portrayed pretty accurately of Land Lords during that time period and it was just Stephen (the guy Kidman was supposed to marry) who was acting like an ass and carrying out actions that Daniel Christie in all honesty knew nothing about.





Most of the English landlords in Ireland were what is known as absentee Landlords, the majority of those didn't live on their estates but lived in Dublin, which was known then as the second capital of the Empire, or even in London. Evictions and rent collections were carried out by their overseers, often without the direct knowledge of the landlords, although if they had known they probably wouldn't have cared as all they wanted was their income from their tenants

Nil Illegetti Desperadum
