The blonde hair

I thought it was very clever to have the same actress for catherine earnshaw and catherine linton, but juliette binoche with that fake blonde hair was a bit ridiculous. It ruined the film a bit for me because I had a hard time overcoming the fact that it's the same actress with an idiotic wig on her head. And I really had to laugh with the part where Ellen Dean says that she sees more of Catherine in Hareton in answer to I think it was Mr. Lockwood who said that Catherine Linton really looked like Catherine Earnshaw (which was very true because it's the same actress). They shoudn't have kept the line. Anyone else also had a problem with this?


I agree - it was a good idea in theory, but the end product was not exactly brilliant. Could they not have found an actress who looked a bit like Juliette Binoche? The second Catherine is supposed to resemble the first, not be almost a carbon copy of her, as she has Linton blood in her as well. I think Brontë described her inheriting Cathy (1)'s dark eyes and free spirit, but her father, Edgar's facial features and hair. Apart from her eyes, Cathy (2) isn't actually supposed to look much like Cathy (1) at all.


I liked how the hair was done... but the color threw me off a lot


ITA, re: Cathy(2) resembled Cathy(1) more when it came to the eyes. Otherwise she looked more like her father. But look at this from the filming POV: from the book we know that Heathcliff was taken by the similarity of the eyes, it was as if Cathy(1) was looking back at him. But when you make a film, that would be really hard to achieve, that's why they chose the same actress, so that they can express that similarity and its effect on Heathcliff.
