Bush's words eerie (spoilers)

The film closes with George HW Bush eerily talking about how the Exxon Valdez disaster doesn't mean we should shut down the oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico, off the state of Louisiana.

"... So what we will do is not go backwards; what we will do is redouble every effort to provide the proper safeguards. And I think most people are reasonable enough and fair enough to look back at the record over the years in terms of the pipeline, and found that there has been very little damage, if any. Certainly, there has been no lasting environmental damage.

Should we shut down the Gulf of Mexico? Should we shut down the oil fields off of Louisiana because of this? The answer is no, that would be irresponsible. So what you do is do the best you can, express the genuine concern that you feel over the environment, and I do feel a concern, and not take irresponsible action to guard against an incident of this nature."

How ironic that just two decades later, there would be an even greater oil disaster, in exactly that spot.


Well I figure oil spills are going to be a fact of life.

It's that man again!!
