dramatic? or funny?

I know the movie is meant to be serious but i could not and still cannot sit through the movie without lmao. The facial expressions and ways of delivering lines had me in stitches.. The subtitles just crack me up on the cornyness of it...

This diva needs her stage!




it's too abrupt i think


It is supposed to have comical elements in the film though because Esquivel uses them to relieve the tension and to stop the novel from becoming overly serious. But I agree it is the acting that makes it a bit of a giggle as well! :P


we watched it in our spanish class last month and we were laughing at some parts but our teacher loved the film and was upset with us.

there was one part where tita said "nacha esta muerta!" and then the music just kicked in that made people crack up.

not to mention gertrudis touching herself at the dinner table. it may be the immaturity of the class (though we are all 17 or 18) or the fact that we were uncomfortable watching this with each other and our teacher.
