How did Nacha Die???

I watched this movie in world lit class, and i dont understand how the old lady, nacha, died. was it because of the food or what?



Probably just old age.


No, I saw it on monday and my teacher explained to me that it was because when Tita cried over the cake dough, Nacha ate the tear that fell on the spoon, I dont know if you remember? So she died because she ate Tita's sadness, and her body was too weak to bear all the sadness, even though there was still a lot of sadness on the cake dough, which is why everyone started to cry.


I've read the novel before I saw the movie years ago. She was haunted by her star-crossed romance with another man. The heartbreak literally broke her heart and that's what killed her. Tita's cake caused everyone to relive their deepest heartbreak, but Nacha's age probably didn't help. Also her spirit appears more often in the novel, along with Dr. Brown's Native American mother's spirit.


you're right about the dying of heartbreak thing, hence the picture her dead body is found clutching. But the ghost that acompanies Nacha is John's grandmother, not his mother.


I never caught what the picture was of, her husband?

" Two languages in one head? No one can live at that speed "


She died because there were 170 raw eggs in that batter.




according to the book, nacha was found on the kitchen's floor holding a photo of her ex-husband


you watched this movie at school? was the nudity censored?


it's art....



According to the book, each time Nacha had prepared a wedding banquet for the De la Garza family (Tita's family's surname), she was sad, and yearned for the time when she would be able to prepare her own wedding banquet. And apparently, Nacha had prepared for many weddings in the De La Garza family; she'd been employed by them for many years.

When Nacha was much younger (she was 85 at the time of Rosaura's marriage to Pedro), she'd been engaged to her sweetheart, but Mama Elena's mother-in-law had sent Nacha's fiance away.

Tita's sadness during the preparations for Rosaura's wedding has a profound effect on Nacha; she cries all night, the night before the wedding, and the next day she does not have the strength to help with the remaining preparations.

After the wedding, Tita finds Nacha "lying dead, her eyes wide open [...] a picture of her fiance clutched in her hands" (Like Water For Chocolate, p. 41).
