read the book!!

for real! i read the book when i was 11 and i didnt understand anything cause i was... a kid, hehe. but then , i liked the book so much that i read it every year, starting on february 14th.
but i never seen the complete movie . i always miss the first 30 minutes!! but the book is way much better than the movie... it has recipes, and little stories that the movie doesnt show!
it's my favorite book, my favorite love story!



I read this book in high school because it had the same name as one of my favorite albums and I figured the artist drew inspiration from the novel. That was..almost 5 years ago. Since then I've read it every summer. I haven't picked it up this year because I have a ton of other books but I might zip through it one weekend. Its definitely one of my favorites. I can't say much about the movie either I've only seen bits and pieces. From what I've heard its missing a few key scenes as well. I like the original actress who played tita but I'd like to see it remade with the actress from Maria Full Of Grace, Catalina Moreno Sandino.


I read the book before the film came to America. I had work the next day and stayed up all night to read it I haven't done this with any book before this one or since There are some difference betweeen the book and the film, but you have to adapt for the time constraints. Since the author adapted it, I was impressed since many authors don't like how others adapt their work and hate to sacrifice anything for the screen (at least the big screen. TV adaptations are more forgiving). I like the receipes, but you don't get cooking temperatures or times, so you can't replicate them unless you look these receipes up on the web or in a traditional Mexican cookbook.


I remember the first time I read this just has some magic to it. I absolutely loved it. It is definitely on my list of favorites. I thought the movie lived up to the book- of course, it can't come close to being as good as the book, but it did an excellent job of following the story line and including the small, but important details. Like the thread says, READ THE BOOK! :)



We read the book in class and then watched the movie, but it was dubbed in English because not everyone speaks Spanish in that class. It was so annoying, the actors who did the voices were so awful. I would have rather watched it in Spanish, maybe with subtitles for those who didn't understand it.

