Food Movies/TV food (fiction)

Food movies to make your mouth water:

Chocolat or Wily Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate factory(have a chocolate tasting)
Like Water for Chocolate (get food from a good mexican place)

Tampopo (ramen soup, not the store brand. Soba noodles are the best)

Eat Drink Man Woman (chinese take out anyone?)

Soul Food (I haven't seen the movie or the TV show, but fried chicken, greens and sweet potato pie are in order)

Scent of the Green Papaya (more magical realism)

Big Night (Italian)

Babette's Feast (great French cooking)

Chef and Posh Nosh (Britcoms lampoon stuffy restaurants and high end cooking shows)


Tortilla Soup: Mexican-American retelling of Eat, Drink, Man, Woman

What's Cooking?: Thanksgiving dinner with several cultural twists, including Vietnamese cooking, Jewish traditional foods, Mexican dishes and Soul Food.


Whos Killing The Great Chefs of Europe.


Eating Raoul.
