Children of the Night 1991

Does anyone know if this movie has a young blonde girl as a main vampire character? And, more importantly, is this the movie where the vampires sleep under water with their lungs outside their bodies, floating on top of the water?
If this is NOT the 'lungs' one, does anyone know the name of the movie that does.


Been along time since I've seen it but I remember the water tomb scene but not the lungs floating.


Yep, this is the correct movie, lungs and all.



THis movie was messed up, people doing it in these weird sack things, and man the head vampire still creeps me out till this day, can't look out my window at night thinking he'll be standing there....::Shudders::


I remember that lungs scene, actually It’s the only thing about the movie that stuck with me ever since seeing it as a kid. I’ve found it really scary at the time, I wonder if it would just be funny and cheesy if I saw it again.


This movie sucked, seriously, one of the worst scripts ever.


I don't think it was that bad. It was certainly cheesy and not serious, but not bad.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


This Movie is pretty good its for the cheesy horror fans sure, but that's what I am and if you are as well I think you might enjoy Children Of The Night!, a pretty dang decent vampire tale.


so love this movie
