was andy arrested

in the end?



was he in handcuffs


Maybe the police took him to ask them some questions. I'm pretty sure Andy wasn't arrested.


Yeah its confusing. Maybe he's going in for questioning, though if their looking for the one or someone who might be responsible he's the best choice. Just got inrolled into Kent, within just a week a girl was shot and injured and 6 people where killed. Also, they could have suspected him to be real troubled from his files; 8 years ago a series of murders happend with either him or Kyle at the crime scenes with the talk of a Good Guy doll involved. Now in part three theres more killings and the same doll is brought up again. Not good in Andy's favor.

"Jack's dead my friend...."


that is one of the reasons why in the aftermath of the 1st movie, andy, his mother, and that detective should have just kept their mouths shut about chucky and pretend it never happened, because everyone would see them as crazy. Even though they would still be connected to the murders that happened around them with chucky, the evidence would not say they did it and they would be free.


According to wikipedia he was


wikipedia can be edited by anybody and everybody, you can't always believe what's on there


Especially sense I wrote it.



when I saw it I think he was arrested as he had the gun of the Cop in the carnival that was killed by Chucky and they think Andy killed the cop.


We can assume he was arrested, by the ending. However, we will never really know; unless they have a "Child's Play" six, and they bring back Andy.



He was not in handcuffs for the record.



I think he was just taken to juvenile hall after being questioned. He was only 16, so even if he was cleared, he still couldn't be *formally* released since he was technically an underage orphan.

Reading is like meat... for your brain!


"Andy" is in Maywood, NJ chillin' and is in no shape for part 6. Believe me. lol


There's witnesses to back up Andy so he probably couldn't have gone to jail and blamed for the murders. The cop was most likely just taking him to the station to make a statement. And even if he was, after the events of BRIDE and SEED dealing with more 'doll' murders, the cops would probably let him go, because apparently Chucky the killer doll may actually be real. Witnesses!!!



If they made a part 6 we would find out what happened to Andy from the past 11 or 12 years. Bride takes place at least a month after Part 3. Seed takes place 6 years after Bride and the ending to Seed takes place 5 years after most of the movie's events setting Part 6 (if they ever make one instead of a stupid remake) in 2009 or 2010 where Andy is now 28 years old and has a kid (not sure if it would be a son or daughter) and his wife would be unknown, doubt if it would De Silva from Part 3 since she was injured and Andy was taken by the police.


No. But he was a "person of interest" in the killing of the carnival officer, since he had the gun. His girlfriend made a statement at the site that would tend to clear him, so there was no probable cause to arrest him, thus starting a timeclock for how long they could hold him. If they arrest him, they have to start to make the case or let hinm go free. So they took him into custody, without making an arrest. They probably just questioned him and let him go, while they sought the real killer (never to be found).

"When you throw dirt, you lose ground" --old proverb
