Woah, this movie is on right now. It's been on about 30 mins. and she's already killed some baby birds, torn apart her room, and stabbed the dog but whats really disturbed me so far is when I saw her put the pillow over her brothers face and start punching him. That was so scary. God what happended to this little girl. Oh and this actress playing her is very convincing. Very different than her Drop Dead Fred character.
She just grabbed her grandpas crotch! I'm very frightened by this movie.

I loved you the most.


I don't see how any girl could do so good at acting in this movie but she was very good at it. And yeah, I felt VERY sorry for the dog and that little boy. I LOVE animals and that little boy was sooo cute and sweet so it was hard to watch all that.


the sad fact is this raping of babies is common by soldiers in some parts of africa... supposedly witch doctors are tellling them that it will get rid of STI

recently here in the uk some 40 year old man with the aid of his 20 something girlfriend violated a baby and PHOTOGRAPHED himself doing it*

this film still haunts me today .. tho it was more the images of her memories concerning the rape.. i had largely forgotten the psychotic actions she took other than trying to kill her brother

*in case any one is concerned the man in the UK and his girl friend were prosecuted and a judge is pushing for their sentences to be increased.


Wow. That's sad.


I don't know how they got around filming that scene with the grandfather.

That disturbed me.


Come at me all you want, this kid should of been drowned.


the actions of this "kid" are not her fault they are caused by neglet and abuse so servire her barin swicth off and in order to survive her brain became rewired the wrong way it is called attachment disorder and effects thousands of children not all as bad as "this KId" the one in fault is the person who should have been that loving parent from the start but there is crul people in this world whom make these kids sick, so sick that day to day living becomes a survival game and they develop and act just to get through the day thes children have a condtion causes by people whom should be loving and caring towards them



Critisize me all you want for sounding cruel, but a girl like that would not be living with me.

She would be disowned.

And those who say it's not her fault, try saying it's not her fault when she brutaly hurts you or attemps to kill you.

Sure, my comment sounds cruel, but if she were to live anywhere with anyone, she would need around the clock supervision.

Horror movies like the Elm Street movie, or Chucky Movies are tame compared to this.

This movie is a horror movie.

What are the purposes of signatures!!..


Detachment and trauma is one thing. This little devil almost killed her little brother and the people who adopted her. It's like saying it's ok that serial killers kill because they were raped and abused growing up. NO NO NO.




Jayson- YOU need help and I hope you learn compassion you sick demented fool



I am a first grade teacher. I had a student like this. And you need to know this about them.

They do not FEEL. They are manipulative. They lie. And yes, they are dangerous.

But they are not BORN like this, they are CREATED. They are created by the mother and father who did not pick them up when they cried; who did not help them when they got hurt; who ignored their cries when being hurt or violated by others; who violated them for their own sick reasons.

The world is not a safe place for them. There are NO adults that can be trusted. There is no feeling for other living things. All they can do is make sure that they are in control at all times, no matter how they acquire that control, whether it is by lying, by sexual conduct, or by violence. They can only feel safe when they are in complete control of their enviroment, and the living things around them.

Don't hate these children. Pity them and pray for them.


Can you say the same about school shooters, murderers and people who are hate and are dangerous in general or are only young children made excuses for? There are always factors why people of all age do evil things so what makes a child to be more sorry for? Because they are children?



Not that you will read this all these yrs later but it is apparent from your reply you did not understand at all what that teacher stated in her post. And no use in explaining it to you for you will never get it. It seems like you lack understanding and comprehension when someone explains something so why bother trying to explain it.


I wonder, why is so much anger directed towards that little girl, while there is none pointed at the evil scumbag that raped her and mutilated her genitals from the age of 1?

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'



Her name was Catherine in the movie and Cat was just a short nickname for Catherine. It is a good thing that someone finally kept her and gave her what she needed for today the real life lady is doing wonderful and is a nurse and a good human being. She had already been to several foster homes before and was abused. You sound like you would not accept the challenge of trying to help a child who went through hell and had they sent her back she would have just continued to have gotten worse so it is good that someone like those people cared enough to get her help and that she didnt' come across someone like you who just throws her away like trash with no compassion and no understanding of what it was that caused her to be the way she was. THose people were the opposite of dumb. They had the depth of love, compassion and understanding to see something was at the root of that behavior and worked to find the help she needed. It dumbfounds me how so many people do not have an understanding or can research and read up on something but there are people who can't. No wonder you didn't feel bad for her. You have no understanding at all. I guess if it had happened to you being abused as a baby and then started exhibiting that behavior you would want people to throw you away too and not try to find the help for you that needed.


YOU SHOULD BE DROWNED!!!! have you not ever learned COMPASSION?


yeah, if she went to boot camp that would of worked or been tied up and abused for months she would of never acted evil again. hahahaa



The boot camp is a great idea. Never thought of that! Get Mad Dog and Dee West screaming at her.

She needs someone to scare her stiff.

Drill Instructors screaming and yelling and not taking Cat's crap would do the job!!

What are the purposes of signatures!!..


All of your comments are sick and Ignorant! You ovbiously don't know the effect that childhood sexual abuse, neglect, and torture can have on a person especially a child! The way that Cat (in real life Beth) was treated as an infant and child caused her to develop a severe attatchment disorder, meaning when she was a child she was never able to bond with a parental figure (because hers were to busy beating and raping her) and it caused her to be extremely violent and afraid. Not because she was a "Bad Child" that needed boot camp to "straighten her a** out" she acted this way because she lived in constant fear of being attacked and hurt again. And like in the case of the birds and her dog, she hurt other "helpless" beings because it made her feel like the one on top. Doing the hurting instead of being hurt. She needed intense phycotherapy (as seen in the movie) to be able to work out and be able to handle her emotions and to know that no one is going to treat her like her father did ever again. Sexual abuse at any age is extremely traumatic and it can and in most cases will emotionally (or physically) scar a person. I know from experience! So as a Childhood incest survivor, to read this it kills me to know that in this day in age most people still will not accept that these things are real and they really mess people up! I take away from this movie that this poor girl was treated terribly and finally came upon people who loved her enough to get her the help she needed. I am not on here to start things, just to share my Knowledge and maybe enlighten a few of the people on this board



I strongly agreed with you, boot camp or something needed to wake her up. There are children who are abused and molested by their parent and they do not try to kill people and go insane.



It's not funny you *beep*


Yep, and we're supposed to feel sorry for her. Might as well feel sorry for the child predators and serial killers out there who dealt with the same thing.


It amazes me the amount of people coming here who are blaming the symptoms and not the problem. Your Government created a system that is broken. This broken system creates dysfunctional families. These dysfunctional families create child predators and serial killers.

You need to start pointing fingers at the right source. Most of you condemning this child probably can't see beyond your own nose. Get educated before expressing your ill-conceived opinions regarding this topic!

Because this child did get the help she needed, she is now living a very rewarding and fulfilling life as an adult.



Amen to your comments. I just said something similar on my comments and just read yours. So many ignorant, uneducated people with no compassion and no comprehension of understanding on these boards.


The people in this thread are really stupid; boot camp seriously! You send her there and it will just give her more potential victims. Boot camp isn't going to teach a child like Cat anything, she is on her way to being a sociopath and tough love wasn't going to change that. What the process in this movie did was teach a child empathy when she had none. It helped cure/fix or quell a potential serial killer or school shooter.

Lois Lane=Leia Lane
