
To this day, I still think of this movie. I vaguely remember things in depth anymore, it has been so long. When I was younger I couldnt really watch the whole movie, because I would have to look away, and I realize today that at a young age this movie changed me because I saw such animal cruelty(I believe she poked her dog with needles), and have always had such harsh opposition to animal cruelty since then.

I would like to see this movie again, I feel that reading the book(I believe the name is "Dandolion on a pillow, a butcher knife beneath it" or something similar to that) may be somewhat similar to those Dave Pelzer books, 'A Child Called It', except for the fact that he was the one who was abused at the time the book was written, in Catherines case she was traumatized and then the book was written about her after effects that she took out on other people. Trauma early on in life can effect people their entire lives, this is a prime example.




me too i just cringe when i see somthing like that poor puppy :(


I find it disturbing that everyone feels sorry for the dog, but has nothing to say about the brother Eric.


I felt bad for the camera man filming!!!
How he had to hold that camera steady
while filming her trash the house, and
when she explodes in rage...I bet he was
scared for himself and for the whole crew
while cat was doing these hatefull things...

I was expecting her to lunge right at the camera
when I first saw this...this young girl
was truly terrifying--and how anyone can act like
that so mean, violent and scare I'll never know...

Also the dog---the dog yelping off screen
as Cat is supposedly hurting it with the needles
makes me cringe...

And the fact Eric was so innocent
and the victim... I hated that part where
she pushes him down the stairs and proceeds
to bash his head in...I hated that part...
to brutaly abuse her brother..

If I were Eric- I would have pushed her off of
me- and --although it is bad to hurt
a girl-- in a situation like that you
would have to use physical force..

Very chilling parts in this!!!


LOL I too wept for the camara man!

Hey old man river! Zip it, before I break your hip!~ Adam Sandler in Big Daddy


I agree with you, Tracees...most people in today's society have put too much importance on animals, rather than human beings..

kudos to you!

This is a logic free zone:
Use of logic will be met with uncomfortable silences


This movie still traumatizes me. Grandpa pulled my bottom!! Baby Cat noooooooooooo.....


Yeah, seriously, her bro should've knocked her in the jaw for that. I know she was abused as a baby and all, but still, that woulda shut 'er down real good-like.

REEEEEAL good-like.



Who says that there has to be a limit to what is important? Why does it have to be on one single thing? We should promote human AND animal welfare. It is scary that you just said that....


I know this may sound mean, but I would never let a girl like Cat live with me...with all her anger, violence, and rage, I would be terrified to be around her, or her around me....!!

Tearing apart the room, ripping apart the dress her mom made her, killing the baby birds, stabbing the dog, fondling the grandpa, using the glass to cut that kid, pushing her brother down the stairs and then bashing his head, attempting to stab her father, saying to the doctor she wants to kill her parents!!!!

All the nasty things do happen above in the movie, and yet she never gets sent away or even restrained!!!

My god, I would have put her in a straight jacket, and sent her to a hospital!!

Yeah that sounds mean I know, but when one is fearing for their life, and the childs insanity escalates to killing, something has to be done with that child!!

If I had a child like that as Cat acted, I would send her with a child like Cat I would surely be dead....!!

What are the purposes of signatures!!..


*glares* you're the exact reason little kids like cat never get help. children like cat need someone who cares instead of someone that passes them to another family so they don't have to deal with them or are scared of them.


Not another family. A lobotomist.


Your right!! Kids like Cat never get help becase the people taking care of her fear for their lives and own family. So they should give Cat to a family who can handle torture and abuse!!

Any family who can bare living with a child like Cat in the movie is truly gutsy!!

What are the purposes of signatures!!..



I'm glad that I'm not alone. The only living beings I felt sorry for was Eric, the dog, and the birds. If I were to choose between kids or animals, I choose animals. Why? Because they are innocent and don't look for trouble. And that's why I became an vet assistant


Consider what they are commenting on. The post was about the dog, so why would someone have to say something about the little boy? Just because he wasn't mentioned doesn't mean any poster here didn't consider and care for what he want through.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts
