Most disturbing moment for you?

Mine was for sure when he suddenly just shoots that guy in the head at the dinner table. It was so unexpected and shocking...he does it so calmly too. I'm used to seeing sudden bursts of violance from Scorsese's films but this really threw me back.


Chocking the kid with a pillow.. THAT is disturbing. I was like, "What the"


It's not just that, they're discussing the kid's "unmarketability" while Ben's suffocating the poor kid.



I knew he was going to shoot him. The guys laughing was becoming annoying.

suffocating the kid was probably the most disturbing.


I knew he was going to shoot that guy too.
Perhaps the most disturbing for me was the part where he killed the old lady by giving her a heart attack instead of shooting her because it saved him bullets. "HAVE YOU EVER BEEN SNUFFED OUT?!" :/


The rape is the most disturbing because of the camera crew's participation.

Never test the depth of the water with both feet


The rape scene. The murder of the child was upsetting but it fit, simply because it felt in keeping with the dark humoured tone of the film. The rape scene was incredibly disturbing and still shocks me profoundly whenever I watch the film.



For me, it was when Ben and them are staking out the family.

"I'll go,because I am Cinema!" - Ben (Man Bites Dog)


the rape scene makes me want to kill them all.

"People only want to hear what they want to hear"


Totally agree! Bad enough Ben going at her, but when the camera crew get in on it - they were just as sick as Ben. And worst for me was the aftermath in the morning! Barbaric isn't a good enough word to describe it all. Made the Hell's Angels gang banging and stomp down look like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood in comparison!


The moment when he cracks the man's neck. Made me cringe...
And of course the rape scene was disturbing
