MovieChat Forums > The ButterCream Gang Discussion > Worst movie i have ever seen

Worst movie i have ever seen

I think that i will throw up because this movie is a disgrace to the movie world and i have been forced to watch this movie twice and believe me i hated every scene in it. The music is really bad and the whole plot is slugish. if you ask me dont buy this movie dont rent this movie and believe me dont watch on tv because it will be a waste of time.


I totally agree. They made me watch it in third grade instead of going outside. And it was PE!



Well for your information I loved it. It's a good family film and a great movie.


Aree you kidding me? This movie is like the prequel to Brokeback Mountain.


for your comment, i must now say that i love you.
too much comedy. yeah, they are all gay mormons living in a tree house.
i guess one might say this is ths unheard story of steve sandvoss's character of elder aaron davis in latter days childhood story.
yeah scott wanted pete SO bad...
and did anyone else get snippy as lanny made fat joke to eldon? both are fat. eldon was the cool one (using cool incredibly loosely) in comparison to lanny. it made me mad considering i was once fatter than the two combined.

"Ninja kick the damn rabbit!"


THIS MOVIE RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Hello ! Hello!! Hello!!!"





I sucked at P E

I'd rather watch paint dry than go to that class.

Consider yourself lucky


I want to own this movie because it's that ridiculously funny. I want to spread the word of this movie to my friends, it's great in the worst way possible. Me and my sisters used to get this from the library on loan and just laugh about it. To this day we'll reference it, such as when I put on a button down shirt, I button the top button to look as "gangster" as Pete did when he came back.


So movies on that have characters that redeem themselves, that have the characters act human and in general just want to be good is considered funny? Go rent Child's Play or something, since you apperently thats all you crave.


Word. My brother, sister and I got this movie by mistake from the FFF company and instead of sending it back, we opened it and watched it and laughed our asses off. This was over ten years ago. I still own the movie and we still make fun of it. Best mistake the postal service ever made =)


This kids cool he said "Word".


Correction: "'she' said word" =) I'm a girl, hehe



i only like this movie because it's so bad.
my mom bought it off the phone. it was a church trying to sell good family films to raise money for their church.. my mom would have said no, but the telemarketer was the sister of my moms friend.. and she didn't want to be mean, so she paid the $24 for the movie (24 dollars!!!) i've onlt watched through the whole movie twice... but i've gotten half way through too many times to count - i can't stand watching it... even though i think it's funny. i know two other people who've seen it - my best friend (at her grandparent's house) and a boy in my class who's foster parents thought it was a good movie - they both hated it but thought it was funny. i begged my bff to watch it again with me... so we could have a few laughs.. but she said she couldn't stand it, no matter how funny the cheeseyness was.

do you know any 13 year old boys like this (jumping rope and saving the old lady)?? i know like... one... and he's openly gay. well... he's 15.. but that's even worse


lister 689 is my *beep* hero. I agree totally with everything you said!


it was a good movie. one of my favorites as a child. i'd buy it for my children. it teaches good morals and values.


I know--- that movie SUCKED!!! my health teacher made us watch it and OMG--- now we have 2 write a 7 paragraph essay about it!!!


Maybe you all just aren't used to seeing movies without sex, drugs or cussing. This movie is a GREAT movie--I'm 17 years old and I still stand firm on the fact that this movie is a good one.


Right on. Maybe this movie wasn't made very well, but it still carry some moral values that are lacking in today's movies.


I love this movie too. I may make fun of it...a lot...but overall it's quite good.


"you all"?!
I think that says it all right there. You should be ashamed of yourself, you uncultured moron.
You're 17 years old for God's sake. The world isn't a safe place, no matter how many awkward, homey, no-budget films may tell you so. If he really was an O.G. from Chicago, he'd be running that town of well-meaning hicks like it was Compton. In the real world, loving unconditionally makes you an easy mark and a lifelong victim. It's people like you that venture into New York City expecting it to look like the sanitized MTV version, until you end up stranded at the Port Authority bus station with nothing to your name because you innocently helped out a "local" who helped you out with your wallet/purse. But, hey, unconditional love, right?
For your penance, you shalt watch "Sin City" five times. It's sex, drugs and cussing done right. Oh, and it's sprinkled with a generous helping of hyper-violence to boot.
Hopefully this will cure you of your small town fish bowl complex.


NYC is actually a great place. Unconditional love doesn't equal unconditional stupidity.
It's a terrible movie because it's poorly written, loosely scripted, and stupidly acted.

And, unless you were being entirely sarcastic, the world isn't Sin City, no matter what high-budget, slick, hollywood films tell you. Moron.

The enemy's gate is down.


First of all, I am anything but an uncultured moron. Second of all, since when is it a crime to want to watch a movie that doesn't have sex, drugs, or alchohol in it? If I was a parent I would even let my kids watch half of the crap that's on TV today. It may not be the best wrotten movie, but it's surely better than all those crappy shows like SIN CITY and Sex And The City. It's not right that we can't find movies that don't have sex, drugs, or alchohol in it. That's NOT normal. We should be able to turn on the TV and find decent shows to watch. I wouldn't want my kids knowing about any of that stuff when the were five or younger. Feature Films For Families is dead on when it comes to making movies, and I fully support "The ButterCream Gang". It's a great movies that teaches strong morals. It may be a litle corny, but at least it's quality.

He kills without a thought he murders all that's good I know I can't refuse and yet I wish I could


LIKE OMG--you had to watch a movie with values in it!!!!


In second grade, our school counselor made us watch both movies. One of those, good movies forced down our throats at such a young age. I actually hated it. lol


There are movies with morals in them that are good. This one is bad.

Stay in school, kids!



i absolutely love this movie...i have since i was younger! i'm 17..tonight was the first time i've watched it in like 4 years (my church teen advisor borrowed it 4 years ago..and just returned it last night)...i still enjoyed it the same as when i was a kid, but i understand the message and themes better now!..if you watch this movie, expecting for it to have normal teen behavior now a days..u're insane!!..i mean, it was made in 1992..and it is a FEATURE FILMS FOR FAMILY movie..what do you expect from it?...its not a big motion picture...cut it some slack!! is a really good family film, and teaches you to "turn the other cheek"...and to give love, whether that love is returned or not! me, many teens in today's society need to learn from this film!...


i agree with everyone on this page who says they liked this movie. it was one of my favorites as a kid, and like many said, it may not be a big blockbuster, but the message and truth behind this story is awesome. the way scott treated pete, well, u just don't hear about that kind of true friendship anymore. we've replaced it as a society with just plain selfishness. i love the morals in this movie, and we could all learn from this movie (whether you're 13 or 85.)and i loved the music too!



I just visited my moms house and got the movie back from her. I first watched when I was in third grade. This movie is very good. My wife and I just watched it last night she didnt like it to much but I love the movie. for you all that are makeing fun of it you all need to get some values


I agree. This is literally, and without question the greatest film I have ever seen in my life, including Citizen Kane, THe Godfather Part II, Casablanca and Forrest Gump combined. Sure, this movie isn't a "fancy hollywood blockbuster," but it teaches the lesson that wearing bandanas and leather jackets makes you a criminal who behaves and speaks like a 1930's gangster. Also, I love that the boys are fourteen years old, and are obviously not interested in girls, which is extremely realistic. Furthermore, this movie goes above portraying any classic stereotypes or contrived plot points that many movies tend to do these days. Also, I would like to say the character of "Pete" was extremely convincing and frightening. To think that a good christian boy could go so far as to commit petty theft, only button the top button on his shirt and throwing a low powered firework into the center of a middle school dance made me almost as frightened as when this great country was attacked on September 11th, 2001. Furthermore, the musical score is beyond inspirational. And unlike "Brokeback Mountain" or any other sinful pictures, there is no homo-erotic scenes in this movie. All in all, this movie made me "Buttercream" my pants.


There's a way to make a family movie without it being so corny. And the mimiker, you go on and on about how great and morally correct this movie is, and your last sentence is rather sick.

The more you know!


If memory serves me right. The "gang leader bad kid" was yelling, "HOW ARE YOU GONNA BE IN A GANG AND NOT BE ABLE TO THROW ROCKS AT BOTTLES!!!" lol.

Shake told me there was a carnival, in the freezer.There wasent a carnival it was a damn freezer!


the worst? Well it is one of my personal favorites. I also got this movie in the mail years ago for some unknown reason and I have watched it probably 50 times since. I love it! And it might be low budget, but who cares?




Like many of you here, me and a few friends would watch and make fun of this movie when we were bored. These kids are so innocent it hurts... its like watching a movie based on Ned Flander's kids. The Pete character wasn't even bad, he was just causing a little mischief and trying to be cool. Several years ago My copy of the movie worked until during a storm we had a power surge and the VCR screwed up the tape. I am actually thankful, the movie was seriously horrible. The acting was so fake and corny. Overall I was offended by this movie for its extreme stereotypes of white suberbia.



This movie was being sold at MCdonalds and my aunt bought it for me for christmas one year, I watched it with all my friends and we all had a heart attack watching this movie.



How dare you say that the music sucked. The film, maybe. But Kurt Bestor and his music are what gives me the strength to get up in the morning. If you don't have enough taste in music to realize the greatness of Kurt Bestor, then you don't deserve to watch the ButterCream Gang.....fitzbail. I hope the Blades come from Chicago and beat your empty head into the ground with a bat, you worthless piece of dog crap.


This movie should have been called "The Butt Creaming Gang"


Thanks for that incredibly witty statement, Mstyles. See you in 10 years when you come up with another zinger like that one.


WOW, a place where people believe exactly like me.


"I think pete stole the treats he gave..Lanny eldon and I..."
ANyone who actually liked this movie for morals or what or retarded..plain and simple.
I watch this movie frequently and cant get enough of it..i got my friends to watch it and they love it...We get blitzed and watch it and laugh our BUNS off..i would advise you to do the same...youll drop your remains its so funny!
