widow jenkins

i really think that she should consider either a nursing home.. or a live in caretaker.. && if that seems to much for an old lady who fell down alteast twice in a 90 minute movie prompting a group of pre pubescent teenagers to break into her house to 'rescue' her...

then why doesnt she have a spare key outside. or leave the door unlocked. before pete im pretty sure that Elk Ridge wasnt known for its crime. lol. so if shes constantly falling down. why not have a spare atleast for the kids [not med techs??] to get in && help.

classic widow jenkins [how would you like to have Widow added to your name. niice.]

'are you sure youre okay, mrs. jenkins?'
'i think so. i get so scared when i fall down'
'anything else we can do for you'
'i could use some groceries && buy yourselves a treat with the change'

classic buttercream transition.

atleast she always fell down downstairs.. not trying to maneuver the stairs.. or break a hip.



Or she could've gotten that Life Alert System, just press the button and help is on the way.
