Great lines from the film

Merrick: Oh, a job. I would've been a wonderful bootmaker.

Schadenfreude's a bitch, ain't it?



My favorite line would have to be...

Pike: (to Benny) You're floating man! Come on!


Later, after Amilyn has lost his arm he tells Buffy that (as a vampire) he can do anything and she quickly responds "Oh yeah? Clap!" Too funny.


My FRIENDS are important to me. I miss them already.


"Get a boob job" - (this was from the original script and might not have been in the film).

Other than that, the Elvis line is great.

Buffy: "So. Dawn's in trouble. Must be Tuesday" :) -- BtVS


Oh great my secret power in PMS or sumfin lyk tht



I love the part where the vamp. goes Now, Ima God, and Pike's all like and now you're a coatrack I dunno why but I find that rediculously hilarious!




I thought pretty much anything that Buffy's boyfriend Jeff said. He was such a douche it was awesome!

Andy: (as buffy is leaning over him) Dude, can I like borrow her?
Jeff: No Wayyyyy... you get her dirty

WTF!!!!?? ha ha I love it.

" It's not true I had nothing on, I had the radio on." - Marilyn Monroe ;-)


At the dance when Jeff is telling Buffy about how they're not working out...

Jeff: I told you about all this.
Buffy: No you didn't.

Jeff: Didn't you get my msg?
Buffy: You left me a msg?

Jeff: You weren't home... like always.
Buffy: You broke up with my machine?!

Jeff: I'm outta here!

It's so dated. I love this movie!


LOL. I just came on here to post that exact same line!

"You broke up with my machine?". LOL

Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.


"All I want to do is graduate from high school, go to Europe, marry Christian Slater and die. Now that may not sound so great to a sconehead like you, but I think its swell. Then you come along and tell me I'm a member of the hairy mole club so you can throw things at me!"

Loved this movie when I was younger & that speech never really left me.

Also - "its just a stupid dance with a bunch of stupid people that I see every stupid day!"

Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight ~ Joker


I love - excuse much! rude or anything?

'Pearls are for tears'


I love the line:
Pike - "I'm Pike, and this is Benny... um... I'm... Pike."
Buffy - "Pike's not a name; it's fish."


Buffy - "So lemme get this straight; I'm supposed to go with you to the graveyard, because I'm the Chosen One and there are Vampires?"
Merrick - "Well... yes."
Buffy - "Does Elvis talk to you? Does he tell you to do things; do you see spots?"


i like the part towards the end where Amilyn (i think its thats his name) is dieing and it takes him a while to die he just makes those noises. and the 'cute couple' part towards the end. lol



This movie was very funny but it did have it's freaky moments, I remeber the first time seeing this movie, and it scared the crap out of me, the one part that got me up durring the night was when, she was dreaming of the dark ages when she was fighting them but she was trapped by the head vampire, when Benny,Luke perry's friend was a vampire and came for a night visit at his window and said "come on Pike, "Let me in, Open up I am hungry man, He said "get away from me your floating man" that was funny and kinda scary at the same time. who would want to see your best friend floating at your window and want to kill ya right there and then... I liked when paul Rubins said, "He ruined my new jacket, kill him alot boyz". I like when Buffy first met her watcher in the gym, for the first time and says, "ok I don't know what the hell you are talking about, but someone read there tea leaves wrong, but are you one of thoses skanky old men, who try to attack little girls." For get you pal"... This movie is funny as hell now. But its still gives me the chills at certain parts, now an then. Like (Paul Rubins) the second lead vampire, was spying on that one teenager from on the carasal in the park, now thats scary as hell. peace out SJ...


Buffy: All I want to do is graduate from high school, move to Europe, marry Christian Slater, and die. Now that might not sound too great to a sconehead like you, but I think it's swell. And now you show up and tell me I'm a member of the hairy mole club so you can THROW things at me? I don't THINK so.

Amilyn: You ruined my new jacket! Kill him A LOT!

(Pike faints in Buffy's arms)
Buffy: You know this guy?
Merrick: Well somewhat. He's rather fond of passing out just as I happen by.

Merrick: You must remember the Cardinal Rule, Buffy, one vampire is easier to kill than ten.
Buffy: Does the word "duh" mean anything to you?

Cassandra: What do you guys think about the 'O-zone Layer'?
(Girls agree)
Buffy: Oh yeah! We've gotta get rid of that!

Sylar: Didn't I kill you?
Peter: Didn't take.






My favourite line is when Cassandra is giving them the brief for the school dance and Jeff and his mate say "DOWWWNERRRRRRR!" in a really weird voice.

Say it all the time but not many people are that au fait with this movie so it goes over a lot of heads. Haha.


Garage dude: "Hey, whaddaya want me ta do if see Benny?
Pike: "Run."


Buffy to Merrick (in the gym) "You threw a KNIFE at my head!"


When Buffy is sitting on the couch with her boyfriend when her mom is leaving and her mom calls her boyfriend 'Brian' (or something that's NOT his name) and the boyfriend says to Buffy: "Your mom thinks my name is Brian?" and Buffy replies: "It's quite possible she thinks MY name is Brian".

Classic. I LOVE Kristy Swanson and I wish she'd played Buffy in the TV series because then I would've actually watched it. As it is, I've never seen a single episode.

Watch Bedbug on YouTube at


I love when Buffy asks Merrick what he'll do when there are no more vampires, and he says maybe go to heaven and she replies, "Or maybe you'll just get a job."

Ignoring isn't the same as ignorance, you have to work at it.


when there all in the gym decorating for the dance and hillary swank says

"get out of my facial!" and walks away


Lothos:We are one
Buffy;one what? Cute Couple i dont thinks so!?!...

Dont make me feel sorry for myself.The more pissed off I am,the better I feel.-Michelle Pfeiffer


So many great lines:

"Her yabos scoff at gravity."

"You broke up with my machine?"

"Are YOU addressing I?"

"We HATE you guys!"


...when vampires are threatening to enter the gym at the dance

"I have detention slips here and I'm not afraid to use them!" - principal Gary Murray (Stephen Root).

While walking around dead bodies lying on the floor after the gym vampire massacre...

"De-tention. De-tention. Detention. De-tention-detention-detention!" as he drops the detention slips on the dead bodies (gave the fourth body 3 slips) with the stakes sticking straight up out of the bodies.- principal Gary Murray (S. Root, once again)The shortening of the pronunciation of the word detention with the last 3 slips dropped was worthy of an LMAO mention.

Like all the other characters, Root overplayed this part to perfection.

Towards the end of the movie, in the news clips

Andy - "They had fangs, they were biting people, they had this look in their eyes, totally cold. Animal. I think they were young republicans."

Principal Murray - "It was like a nightmare in there. Of course, I had to keep my head. But, (sigh) I've been there, ya know. Yeah, I saw a lot of action in Nam; well, I saw Platoon."

P. Murray, again "I do think the students learned a valuable lesson on safety. Um, uh, well, they learned it but they really didn't have time to implement it. Are we live?"

Most people aspire to drink from the fountain of knowledge, i just wanna gargle


"I have detention slips here and I'm not afraid to use them!" - principal Gary Murray (Stephen Root).

Definitely my fav., line too. Stephen Root is great in just about anything I've seen him in.
