MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Maybe I've just grown out of it...

Maybe I've just grown out of it...

I remember renting this as a kid and thinking I'd died and gone to heaven. Zombie heaven.

But something strange has happened. The further I get into my adulthood, the more I find myself going back to the classics of the genre, Dawn of the Dead being an example.

Don't get me wrong. The gore and gags in DEAD ALIVE (or the strangely titled 'Braindead' as it is known outside the U.S.) will always stick with me and still pack a punch. But the wantonly schlocky and bloody battle at the end of the film and other excesses are just sort of--and I hate to say it--boring to me now. I admit I've always thought Peter Jackson a tad overrated (I can feel the flames now), but what worked for me as a twelve year old kid doesn't seem to have carried over to adulthood.

And, yes, DEAD ALIVE is technically a zombie film, but I cringe whenever I see it placed in "Ten Best Zombie Films" lists. It plays the living dead for laughs so far beyond a point of absurdity that it kind of doesn't feel like a zombie movie anymore. The comic approach worked with near perfection in films like Return of the Living Dead, Shaun of the Dead, and to some degree, Zombieland. But in this film, it's just kind of heavy handed (now, I'm not saying it doesn't make me laugh).

Ultimately, Dead Alive feels like another sophomoric, zany gorefest inspired by Sam Raimi. It will always hold a place in my heart, but I just don't think I need it anymore.




That was quite an interesting read! I've sort of gone through this phase already and I'm back liking Braindead again. I also watched it first as a twelve year old This was back when it was first released on VHS. I first rented it and after buying a copy I literally watched it too death. Same with Brain Damage, Bad Taste, Evil Dead 2, Toxic Avenger, The Re-Animator and several others. Some of the VHS tapes would break because I watched them so much.

Then as I grew older I went through a phase where I watched less horror films and concentrated my efforts more on classics and cinema from around the world and at a point I felt, like you, that I had grown out of these kinds of films. Especially Braindead and Bad Taste. At the same time I felt a similar feeling toward Monty Python and British "absurd humor" in general though I got back into that a few years later.

Then some years later I started buying, renting and re-watching classic horror films and Italian Gialli and such and not too long ago I caught Night of the Creeps on some HD channel by chance loved it and now I'm on a full fledge splatter wagon re-watching all the splatter gems from our youths days. I was sure I had grown out of watching these kinds of films but I guess I was just sick and tired of them... so sick an tired in fact I had to let them alone for years and years.

Perhaps someday you'll get a kick and go on a bender as well.

