MovieChat Forums > Braindead (1993) Discussion > Just saw it on FearNet

Just saw it on FearNet

And definitely one of the most entertaining and over the top gory movies I've ever seen. Just to see all the crazy kills and zombie designs that were created are great. And even though made by Peter Jackson, it didn't have to be 3 hours long to make any kind of statement


Also just watched for the first time on FearNet.

Very funny and gory movie.

I'm glad Obama won, but I will not jump on the Pro-Choice bandwagon


Same here, Fearnet on demand. It's kind of shocking after watching this that Jackson did LOTR and King Kong. The whole baby stroller scene was hilarious!!

"All hands on deck Granger!"


There's no way FearNet played the unrated version. I've seen the R version and about half of the movie is missing. It's so delightfully and masterfully foul.


You should check out the uncut version next.

