Mono sound only?

I've looked around for what dvd versions are available, and I can't find a sterio version. Any joy?

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I don't think you will ever find a "sterio" version of the move.

"It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."


Wasn't the film recorded in stereo?


I have seen a 5.1 version, I'm not sure it's real 5.1 though because I only have 2 speakers.



My copy is in Stereo.

I like to eat but I ain't fat!



As far as I can tell there are several releases that have stereo sound. My version which is the uncut 104 minute version is presented with the original 2.0 Dolby Surround soundtrack. This is the Norwegian release by Sandrew Metronome. In other words I get full on 5.1 surround utilizing Prologic II and 7.1 surround utilizing Prologic IIz.

The UK DVD which was made from an old analog master left over from the VHS days is mono only. Most of the other versions out have 2.0 stereo or 2.0 Dolby Surround. The German release has 5.1 surround but sadly only for the German audio track.

