Help me out here...

Why do people like this movie so much? The 7.6 rating is kind of baffling to me. I mean, it had its hilarious moments, but they were pretty few and far between, and the rest was just gore. Granted, it was inventive, disgusting gore, but even that gets repetitive at a certain point.

So, why the high rating? Is this just a case where the only people who really seek out this film to watch it are more likely to be the kind of people who'll appreciate it, while the "mainstream" is scared away?

I'm not trying to be the guy who comes to a movie's board and bashes it, I'm just honestly curious about this film's appeal. I mean, I would watch Army Of Darkness a million times before seeing this again (I only bring up that comparison 'cause it's a horror-comedy from the same year). Braindead (or Dead Alive, whatever) has better effects, but in my eyes, AOD is superior in basically every other aspect.



Buddy, you're basically asking someone to explain why other people liked something more than you did. It's probably one of the most common questions asked on this site, and definitely one of the most loaded.

I don't think the explanation goes as deeply as 'mainstream' vs 'obscure'. In fact, I think it's as simple as X number of people meeting two criteria - a) watching the movie, and b) voting for it on IMDb - and the average of their scores being 7.6.

There's only so many ways you can say "to each their own". Maybe "different strokes for different folks"? How about "you say po-tay-to, I say po-tot-to"?


for me, it's not JUST the gore, the wacky characters and situations are awesome too. The wussy Lionel, his dominating mother and her crazy friends, a karate ass-kicking priest that *beep* a zombie and spawn a zombiebaby wich Lionel takes to the park... it's too awesome to be packed into one movie and Pete pulled it off, with little recources. (His previous one, Bad Taste, was totally made on a low budget with the masks made in his mothers' oven - you don't see that kind of dedication animore or it's CGI). I end with the inventive ways of killing off zombies and the RIDICULOUS explanation of the zombie virus, and I hope I helped you out with your question.

in the end, it's all about personal taste of course. Big fan of the 'Evil dead' series too btw.

I used to love her, but I had to kill her. - GNR


So you ask...

Why do people like this movie so much?

Then go on to say...

it had its hilarious moments


Granted, it was inventive, disgusting gore

I'm just honestly curious about this film's appeal.

Well, you've answered your own question.

Jesus died for our sins. As he's already dead...sin away.
