Favorite Quote?

I have many but one that always makes me laugh is John Turturro's line "You're excited!? Feel these nipples!

I will smash you into a jelly!


I love "Let me introduce a woman who would be man, but her name is "Lillian," Lilian Oglethorpe!


Too many good ones. Just look at the Memorable Quotes section on IMDB and you'll be laughing your head off. One of my favorites is: "Some day you'll have my children. In fact, they're in the car if you want them."



Watched it the first time back in 1993 or so and of course loved it. Laughed the entire movie, but the line that caught me and had me on the floor laughing was when the were just released from jail, and Alan the dancer, says contritely, "Sorry, it's all my fault," and Jaques says, "It's YOUR fault?" and goes after him.

Just let my 8 year old watch it the first time. He loved it.

"I stopped caring a long time ago."
Creed Bratton



That part killed me in the theater and still does to this day!


some of my faves are...

Flakfizer: Dear Lillian, soon I hope to take you on a Carribbean cruise, where we can hold hands on a soft summer's evening and watch that old Jamaican moon. Why that old Jamaican will be mooning us, I have no idea.

Volare: My dance shoes are in the Louvre in Paris.
Flakfizer: Big deal. Last year I left a raincoat in Cleveland.

Flakfizer: And that spells cash with a capital...
Jacques: K!
Flakfizer: You should go back to school.
Jacques: I hated teaching.


Rocco - "My motto: Something that size should have hair on it."

Entertainment can become art. But if you set out to make art, you're an idiot.


"He spins...he SCORES!!!! Listen ta that croowd!"


"You didn't want her to keep seeing me in cheap hotel rooms did you? For god sakes man, she's your wife!"


Flakfizer: And who of you will tell their story to my young, 24 year old, miss international wet t-shirt champion, nymphomaniac, secretary?

Flakfizer: Some day you'll have my children. In fact they are out in the car if you want them.

Flakfizer: Let's step outside and settle this like men.
Lazlo: We are outside
Flakfizer: Then lets step inside and settle this like women or are you afraid Lazlo?
Lazlo: I'm twice the man you are!
Flakfizer (points to Lillian): So is she, and its driving me mad.


