MovieChat Forums > The Bodyguard (1992) Discussion > I don't understand the boat explosion

I don't understand the boat explosion

When Frank gets Fletcher out of the boat, and they're on the little pier, the boat explodes. I assume that it was some kind of remote detonation, like the boat had been rigged with explosives, but I don't know that this is ever explained.

After the boat explodes, everyone is in a panic at the cabin, packing up all their things and getting ready to leave.

Why would the boat be rigged to explode? Did the killer assume that they might use it and so rigged some kind of timed device? If the killer was watching, why would he explode the boat when Rachel wasn't in it, let alone anyone else?

I'm sure I am completely missing something, but I don't know what it is.


I presume that the explosive device was activated with the turning on of the motor - after a set time from this activation, the device was designed to detonate (under the assumption that Rachel might be in it). I don't believe that it was remotely detonated.


I thought the same thing as the poster above me. It was set to blow up a few minutes after the boat was started up.



let me fill you in in the scene after you see frank talking to his dad about the cars they are either rigged to blow or disabled i always believed the boat was done so they would have to stay at the cabin that night allowing him to get in


why not just go in the house at night, instead of blowing up the boat? it doesnt make sense.

the killer only went into the house because the boat plan failed. great plan btw.

the killer seems to like making things complicated.

look closer...




The killer could not have known who would be in the boat, so he was willing for just anyone to die? What would be the purpose of that? If it did not end up blowing up Rachel, it would alert them that the killer was there and put them even more on guard, making it harder to kill Rachel, which he was not able to do.

Maybe he was playing the odds that Frank would be in the boat, thereby killing Frank and making it easier to get to Rachel in that remote location.

It was not explained but it was a fantastic scene.

The cars were disabled, not rigged. Frank said so.


My guess is that he did not expect any of them to use the boat at that time. He probably planned for them to notice the cut telephone lines and dead cars first, thus requiring them to make an escape via boat. Let's say that 2 people can fit on the boat. It would probably be Frank and Rachel, because her safety is the priority. Therefore, she would have been on the boat at the time of explosion, if all had gone according to planned.


You have the best explanation baby_kicks08, BUT -

Why not just disable the wires in the boat like he did the cars? Or even more, why not rig the boat AND the cars to blow?

If he'd cut the boat wires, and someone noticed that first, then they would check everything and determine they were in trouble but couldn't leave.
If he puts a bomb on the boat and the cars, no matter what they use to leave, they die.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- Jane (formerly Formula86)


We see Frank check a car earlier in the movie. Maybe the killer assumes he would spot any tampering on the car but not the boat?

The main reason that Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live


Pretty lame and unprofessional. He had no way of knowing if Rachel would be in the boat, and he was paid to kill only her.


anti-boat prejudice? that's a sinker.

It's okay, honey. I...I was just talking to the cornfield.


Notice that the boat blew up AFTER it stopped in the middle of the water. Suppose for instance that Frank's father had been the one to start it. Rachel might not be in the boat at all, so that's not foolproof. Wait till the boat stops and you know everybody who's going to be in the boat already is.


I always assumed that the boat blew up because of Whitney's very powerful voice. Remember, she was screaming at Frank and then BOOM the boat explodes. Whitney has the most powerful voice on the planet, that's why she's known as "The Voice".

Here's another example of what Whitney's powerful voice can do:


, that's a good one.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.



I had assumed that he had rigged the boat to kill Frank, not Rachael, and that he rigged the cars AFTER the bomb-in-a-boat failed. That's probably wrong, but that's what I thought. Remember that this guy was as much a professional as Frank had been, so he would've wanted to get rid of Frank first, thus clearing a path to Rachael. If the boat-bomb had succeeded, he wouldn't have needed to rig the cars, because he then could've come into the house while they were still panicking and killed Rachael and everyone else.

: )


Frank taking Fletcher on the boat sets up the following scene. No professional is going to make a move without some recon. He saw Frank in the boat earlier so he set it to blow so it would kill frank and make Rachael an easier target with him out of the way. It's pretty straight forward, in any fight the primary target will always be the biggest threat.


I agree, the boat explosion was designed to get Frank out of the way since it could be assumed that Frank would always be one of the people in it. The cars were disabled and the phone lines cut, most likely at the same time, because the assassin was leaving nothing to chance.


I believe that the boat was rigged to kill no one in particular. It would have been luck if it was Rachel or Frank, but mostly it would have caused panic and confusion. During this time it was easier to gain entry to the house and make the kill. In the darkness the killer went after a female figure and got the wrong one. Most of the scene was about confusion and chance and it played out very well. It was a game to the killer who had plenty of opportunity to kill her but after Miami it became personal and he wanted her to feel fear before she died.


There is a scene in the original script with Rachel, Fletcher and Frank on that boat.
