Funny Games

Funny games can be taken as a sequel of Benny´s video. Benny´s character seems almost like an explanation for Paul´s behavior in Funny games (how do social psychopaths grow up and why do they turn out like they do.) There´s definitely a connection between the two films.


I thought the same not long ago, it seems like Benny and Paul could be the same characters, Paul has just grown up...


it was the same actor, i guess


Didn't realize watching Benny's Video was a prerequisite to watching Funny Games (either of them).

While Benny's Video was thought provoking and interesting, I found Funny Games horribly pointless. And nothing funny about it...


If you're trolling, you nearly got me.


No trolling, just my opinion. Feel free to agree or disagree with it, but no trolling involved...

"Into every life a little coffee must spill."


What does "pointless" mean? Are you denying that Funny Games has a story or plot? Is that not enough of a "point"? What is the point of any movie, anyway? What is the point of Gone With the Wind, Citizen Kane, Rules of the Game, The Exorcist, Grand Hotel, etc, etc, etc? What criterion or criteria do you use to determine if a movie, or any work of fiction, has a point? I'm reminded of Théophile Gautier's famous phrase, "L'art pour l'art" or "Art for art's sake." And that includes "low art." Isn't the movie's existence a point in itself? Finally, you said "horribly pointless." How is that different from merely pointless, and what is your criterion/criteria?

As an aside, I can certainly understand the criticism that the movie misses the director's stated point or goal -- I hear this a lot. But pointless?


Although I barely remember the Funny Games movies (thank God), I don't recall there being any point behind anything the two blond guys did.

You and a lot of others seemed to like those movies. I didn't. To each his own. And I just clearly explained why I found the movie pointless. Unlike Benny's Video (this movie), which I found had multiple thought-provoking points.

"Into every life a little coffee must spill."


I like this theory a lot.
Benny all grown up has lost his connection with reality so much that now as Paul he talks to the "audience" and all the violence he commits is merely entertainment.

"So, you killed your first hobo."


You can consider Funny Games a type of spiritual successor to Benny's Video, sure.

Because I say so.


I'm going to have to watch Benny's Video, now. I've seen both the remake and original Funny Games, and enjoyed them (not really enjoy, but they're very intense/thought-provoking).


I want to support this idea, but Arno Frisch, the actor who portrays Benny and Paul just does too good of a job portraying the two characters separately. It's honestly hard for me to see any of Paul in Benny and vice versa, even though I know they're portrayed by the same guy
