MovieChat Forums > Batman Returns (1992) Discussion > Batman Returns Controversy Explained: Wa...

Batman Returns Controversy Explained: Was Penguin Anti-Semitic?

Two Columbia University students allege that the Penguin and other elements in Batman Returns carry dangerous anti-Semitic undercurrents.


"Two Columbia University students allege..."

Done. This is some student paper by fumbling ninnies. Or it's a sensationalist clickbait headline.

Either way, I'm not biting.


I'll def give it another go now that its got anti-semitisim in it
Thanks Columbia University! They make it so easy to be a racist these days, always new suggestions written up in the papers

Now wheres my Asian partner, she needs to do the Dry cleaning for the week soon


I allege Columbia University is churning out retards and is a shell
of its once proud self.


is this penguin character a close personal friend of yours ?
