AMBIEN: The Movie

Despite having beautiful cinematography and some very clever transitions, I just can't do 90 minutes of plot-less video with slowed down music played over the top. I guess it would also be more interesting if I didn't already understand a great deal about the diversity of life and culture on our planet.

On the plus side, I may have genuinely found a cure for my insomnia. Going by the three times I have attempted to watch this, I can start it at any point and be fast asleep in 15-20 minutes. I guess it's not all bad :)

I am Jack's IMDb post.


I guess you've never tried marijuana before ;) This film is simply amazing in an altered state, very introspective.


Oh, Mary and I are very well acquainted. Maybe I'll give it another shot after spending some time with her, but I'm not reserving much hope. Anything I find dull while sober generally will put me to sleep immediately when I'm baked.

I am Jack's IMDb post.


Why whenever this film is mentioned, someone starts peddling drugs?

"I don't want a bloody avatar!" -paraphrased from BQQ's annoyances with IMDb's stupidity


I have this movie long time ago and still could not see it entirely after lots of years!
