MovieChat Forums > Baraka (1993) Discussion > anyone know the religion or activity whe...

anyone know the religion or activity where....

@ around the 15 minute mark there are a heap of men sitting down on the ground doing some chanting and rather intense hand waving, and there's a crazy eyed old bald an with a red flower behind his ear.

Just wondering if anyone knows any more about this activity, religion or the people.




Thanks very much.

Strangely enough, I watched another movie just today called The Fall that showed an adaptation of this ceremony.


Top, yes, I was wondering that too.

He had awful teeth.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


Oddly enough Steve-O and Chris Pontius did that ceremony on "Wildboyz".

"What is TRUTH?"


I feel it's just the right kind of exercise to get America into shape. Come on you fat bastards, do da Monkey Chant!

"I don't want a bloody avatar!" -paraphrased from BQQ's annoyances with IMDb's stupidity
