MovieChat Forums > Bad Lieutenant (1992) Discussion > One of the worst movies EVER!

One of the worst movies EVER!

I kept waiting for the movie to get better, to really get interesting... or good. It never did. I wanted to walk out several times but I was with a friend and he drove and didn't want to leave.

I actually asked for my money back, but couldn't get it.

I recently saw "Public Enemies" (2009). Very, very, very bad movie. Even considering it was by Michael Mann. It's incredible, but he made a movie worse than "Miami Vice" (2006). But "Bad Lieutenant" was by far worse than either. During "Public Enemies" I was again waiting for it to get better, but at least I wasn't squriming in my seat in agony.

I'll go so far as to say "Bad Lieutenant" is worse than "Starcrash" (1978).

Believe it.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


that's nice. it sounds like you're talking about the new one, though, if you saw it in theaters recently. either way, I disagree completely with your evaluations of both this film and public enemies. port of call new orleans does look fairly terrible from the trailer, though.


it sounds like you're talking about the new one

Not sure how I could be doing that, since it hasn't even been released yet.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


It doesn't really make any difference. The original was pretty much over-the-top vile garbage, and I can pretty safely assume that this new version will be, as well. I guess it's grand entertainment for some to see Harvey Keitel's wish wand swinging in the wind, watch a nun get raped, see a coked out police officer cuss out Jesus Christ, and then force two young girls to provoke him to masturbate. Truly tasteful stuff, indeed -- not sure what I was supposed to get or learn after watching this piece of trash other than I'd sorely wasted about two hours of my time.


not sure what I was supposed to get or learn after watching this piece of trash other than I'd sorely wasted about two hours of my time.

Two hours of both our lives that Abel Ferrara owes us, and that we'll never get back, my friend.

Excellent criticism of this piece of garbage. I wish I could have described it as well as you did.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


Why should movies not be made showing the vilest things in life? They exist. Should no one comment on them, acknowledge them, depict them? I think movies like this serve a purpose, there's no point in turning a blind eye to the messed up things in the world. That's not a question of bad taste, in my opinion, there's a time and a place for everything in art. Just my two cents, I respect other opinions and I can agree to disagree.

Insert pretentious signature here


Why should movies not be made showing the vilest things in life? They exist. Should no one comment on them, acknowledge them, depict them? I think movies like this serve a purpose, there's no point in turning a blind eye to the messed up things in the world. That's not a question of bad taste, in my opinion, there's a time and a place for everything in art

FYI: There's a difference between an artistic depiction of the ugly side of Humanity, and a poorly attempted depiction of it.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


I think this was a pretty good depiction. I could have gone without seeing Keitel's penis though.


Well, NoGuff, that's where the whole "agree to disagree" aspect comes in, because I think you're wrong. Especially at the time it came out, I found the movie scarily believable. Thanks for the nice, condescending "FYI" comment, though, like I'm some kind of idiot. I thought my post was pretty respectful, but of course there's no such thing as a civil, respectful discussion on this website.

Insert pretentious signature here


Thanks for the nice, condescending "FYI" comment, though, like I'm some kind of idiot.

I'm only returning the insult. What's the matter, don't like the taste of your own medicine?

And if you don't think you were condescending toward me, I'll refer you to your statement "Why should movies not be made showing the vilest things in life? They exist. Should no one comment on them, acknowledge them, depict them?" You acted as though I were the idiot here because I simply don't know what the hell I'm talking about when it comes to movies and art.

Well, there you have it. I don't expect you to like it or accept it.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


Wow, man, chill the f out. I was expressing my opinion and asking what I felt were legitimate questions in a mature discussion about the merits of this movie. What a waste of time THAT turned out to be. (Bring on the predictable comebacks.) Think I'll be exiting this particular thread for good right about... now.

Insert pretentious signature here



Wow, great response. You must be a huge success in life.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


There's a difference between an artistic depiction of the ugly side of Humanity, and a poorly attempted depiction of it.

There's a difference between an artistic depiction of the ugly side of Humanity, and a poor attempt at criticising it....... namely yours.

Why don't you go back to your Bruckheimer DVD collection, pathetic little troll?


There's a difference between an artistic depiction of the ugly side of Humanity, and a poor attempt at criticising it....... namely yours.

An empty insult from an 8-year-old. Ouch.

"Careful, man, there's a beverage here!" - The Dude


Not that empty apparently, since you do bother to reply to this 8-year old
ouch ouch


Agreed. I like films that expose the seamy side of life as much as anyone (Your Friends and Neighbors being an excellent example) but this was just alternately cheesy and sleazy, not subtle or artful in any way.

See a list of my favourite films here:


as soon as anyone puts "One of the worst movies EVER!" with CAPS in the thread title its an automatic fail.


I may have to agree with that.



I have just seen it again after a few years, and still find it a good film


I thought it was very good, 8/10 from me. I've seen many films that were not as good as this.
